• Recently, my site load time has gotten incredibly slow. I use WordPress. My site is theclubpenguincheats.com
    I dont know what could have caused it.
    The only things I have done recently are:
    -add a task for the plugin WP Iphone (mobile edition for my website)
    -change the color of links in the style sheet (maybe this triggered something since this also impacted other plugins such as the Similar Posts plugin?)
    -A lot of my images are from other websites

    Also, if you look at this website: clubpenguincp.com He seems to have everything I got and more but his site loads super fast… He also uses WordPress.

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  • Its not always the plugins,images,etc… which make the website slow. Though it is in many cases. Sometimes you need to consider you host also.

    Download latest firefox and install firebug & google page speed(or yslow) and run the tests. An 80+ remarks is good.

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