• Resolved Safety13


    Is there a limit to how many sites you can use with this plugin? I have a multisite setup with 160 small sites generating under 100k in traffic per month.

    Site kit works on some but others give an error message – Set Up Site Kit even though it work properly during the initial setup.

    Each site was activated individually.

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  • Plugin Support James Osborne


    Hi @safety13,

    Great question. As Site Kit uses OAuth 2.0 to connect the plugin and your site to the respective Google services there is a 100 active connection limit. This means that if you’re using the same Google account to set up all these sites only 100 will remain connected. If you connected site number 101 one of your previous sites will become disconnected, to accommodate the latest site set up.

    You can see a list of your active sites using the “Manage Sites” feature, accessible from your Site Kit dashboard.

    Site kit works on some but others give an error message – Set Up Site Kit even though it work properly during the initial setup.

    If you have more than 100 sites this may be the cause of being asked to re-connect Site Kit on the previously connected sites. This 100 site limit is an OAuth limitation, as opposed to a Site Kit limit.

    What you can do is such circumstances is use different Google accounts, or if you have individual site administrators for your sites they can initially set up the plugin, before ensuring your are granted access to the connected services (ie. The Analytics property). That way you are not initially connecting the plugin, so it won’t count against your 100 OAuth connection limit.

    Let me know if you have any questions with the above.

    Thread Starter Safety13


    So if I add a new administrator to the existing Analytics property and use their creds to setup the Site Kit, they will not count against the 100 Oauth connection limit, correct?

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    I believe that is correct, however, please allow me to confirm this with the team to ensure that this remains the case. It was previously, with this workaround suggested in this support topic.

    I’ll report back to you with confirmation on this today.

    Thread Starter Safety13


    If this does work, do I need to add the new admin for both the original GA Property and the new GA4 property that was created during the initial setup?

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Assuming all works as it did previously, you can set up the Analytics module yourself if preferred. The initial administrator who is connecting Site Kit can choose to only connect the site with Search Console, and not Google Analytics.

    That way you, as a second administrator, can connect the Google Analytics module within Site Kit yourself, without Site Kit counting towards your own OAuth 100 active token limit.

    Please do allow me some time to confirm the above is true with the team before making any changes or adjustments. As soon as I have an update I’ll let you know here!

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Hi @safety13,

    Many thanks for your patience on this. I’ve discussed this with the team and the 100 active token limit is a per Google account, per project (Site Kit) limit. For that reason you won’t in fact be able to set up Site Kit as a second administrator, using your Google account, without having one of your active 100 sites already connected. Apologies for the misunderstanding in my previous responses.

    While not ideal, what you can do is use different Google accounts to set up Site Kit. Alternatively what you can do is grant access at Analytics level to the Google Analytics properties to other administrators, who have their own Google account. They can then set up the plugin, using their own Google account. That way you can view Analytics data for these sites from analytics.google.com, while the site administrators can view the data within the Site Kit dashboards.

    Note also that we do have a Dashboard Sharing feature being worked on at present. Once complete this will allow users to share a view mode of the Site Kit dashboard with other non administrators. This won’t solve the OAuth limitation of 100 active sites however it will allow you users who didn’t set up Site Kit to be able to view a limited version of the Site Kit dashboard, without having to go through the Site Kit set up process, without having to sign in with OAuth. Another administrator will have to have already set up Site Kit in order to share the dashboard, and this will of course count towards this users 100 site limit quota.

    Thread Starter Safety13


    Thanks for the quick and informative response! Excellent job on your part.

    Is it possible to move/copy the existing properties to a new Google account? If so, should both the current analytics and new analytics 4 be moved?

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    No problem, happy to assist. Great for us to have a better understanding for secondary admins who also set up the plugin.

    Is it possible to move/copy the existing properties to a new Google account? If so, should both the current analytics and new analytics 4 be moved?

    Yes, this is possible. If you are looking to move it to another Google account then the other Google account you can use the Transfer your Google Analytics account guide (for Analytics), as opposed to moving the property. That way the new Google account owner will have ownership also of the new Google Analytics 4 property, if it’s within the same Analytics account.

    The product experts at the Google Analytics Help Center should be able to assist further with this.

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