Many thanks for opening an individual support topic. I’d be happy to help you out with this. To answer your question in relation to AdSense the only snippet added via Site Kit is the Auto ads snippet, which is the same auto ads snippet as if placed manually following the AdSense guide below:
This snippet can be checked by reviewing your sites source code, it appears as per this screenshot. If you implement ads there will be network requests made to the AdSense platform. There are however no further AdSense or Site Kit network requests made from this snippet inserted via Site Kit.
Even worse, I eliminated the Google tag manager setting completely from Site Kit settings and it still appears on the test report.
From checking your site I see your have the Analytics snippet placed via Site Kit. This “gtag” snippet placement will appear from a “” resource however it’s not from tag individual setup from a Google Tag Manager container. If you disconnect Google Analytics this will not longer appear. You can also check your snippet placements via
Finally it shows my site has no robots.txt file … false
Site Kit doesn’t add a robots.txt file to a users site. There are plugins that can assist with such features, or you can follow the guide below:
Let me know if you have any further queries with the above and I’d be happy to help. If you’re looking to boost performance you may also wish to consider experimenting with AMP. Nice job on the site also!