They can not but I can tell you. Since this is free version in public repository you have the right to control what is displaying on your own website.
In your WP dashboard go to Appearance – > Editor , select FotoGraphy: Theme Footer (footer.php) on the right and find the following block of code in the editor
<div class="copyright">
$copyright = get_theme_mod('fotography_copyright');
echo '<span>';
if(!empty($copyright)) :
echo $copyright;
printf(__('© %1$s %2$s', 'fotography'), get_the_time("Y"), get_bloginfo('name'));
?></span> - <?php
printf( __( 'WordPress Theme : %1$s by %2$s', 'fotography' ), '<a href="'.esc_url('').'">FotoGraphy Lite</a>', '<a href="'.esc_url('' ).'">AccessPress Themes</a>' );
insert <!– at the beginning and –> at the end so it looks like this :
<div class="copyright">
$copyright = get_theme_mod('fotography_copyright');
echo '<span>';
if(!empty($copyright)) :
echo $copyright;
printf(__('© %1$s %2$s', 'fotography'), get_the_time("Y"), get_bloginfo('name'));
?></span> - <?php
printf( __( 'WordPress Theme : %1$s by %2$s', 'fotography' ), '<a href="'.esc_url('').'">FotoGraphy Lite</a>', '<a href="'.esc_url('' ).'">AccessPress Themes</a>' );
Hit update file button . done