• Resolved eg1217


    Hi, I have two questions:
    I’m using the Arcade storefront theme.
    1. Instead of having a banner with a text title I want to just have an image (banner) that stretches from the left side to the search bar. Currently there seems to be space reserved to the right of the banner for text.

    2. Below the main menu there is space reserved for a title (currently says “Homepage”). I can delete Homepage but not the space it reserves. I want the image to touch the menu, like in this example: https://themes.woocommerce.com/arcade/

    Thank you.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter eg1217


    I would really appreciate some help with either one of these issues.

    Hi there,

    1. Instead of having a banner with a text title I want to just have an image (banner) that stretches from the left side to the search bar. Currently there seems to be space reserved to the right of the banner for text.

    I’m not entirely sure I’m checking the right area, but could you send us a screenshot of where you’d like the image to be shown on your site?

    2. Below the main menu there is space reserved for a title (currently says “Homepage”). I can delete Homepage but not the space it reserves. I want the image to touch the menu, like in this example: https://themes.woocommerce.com/arcade/

    In order to achieve the same result as in the theme demo, you’ll need the Storefront Parallax Hero together with Storefront Powerpack. Alternatively, this may be doable through custom code, but you’ll need the assistance of a developer.

    Warm regards,

    Thread Starter eg1217


    Thanks for responding.
    1. Please see the red arrow here: https://prnt.sc/xgr23t

    Thread Starter eg1217


    Still hoping for some help on this one.

    Hey @eg1217

    To stretch the logo image to fill up the entire space, and to reduce the space below the menu, you can use a little bit of custom CSS code.

    Go into your site’s admin Dashboard and select Appearance → Customize → Additional CSS. In the CSS textbox on the left, add the following code:

    @media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
      .site-header .custom-logo-link,
      .site-header .custom-logo-link img {
        width: 100%;
        max-width: 100%;
      .site-content .col-full {
        padding-top: 0;

    Select “Save Changes” from the top, and your changes will be applied to your site.

    Hi @eg1217,

    We haven’t heard back from you for a while, so I’m going to mark this post as resolved. If you have any further questions or need additional help, please start a new thread and we’ll be able to help you there. Thanks!

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