• Resolved wplover1969


    I have been running your Photo Gallery plugin for quite a while on a couple of sites and have just started getting 3 critical WordPress Site Health errors that disappear when the plugin is deactivated. I singly deactivated/reactivated each plugin to run tests and have definitely pinned this down to Photo Gallery. Here are the messages:
    1. An active PHP session was detected
    2. The REST API encountered an error
    3. Your site could not complete a loopback request

    Running PHP 7.2.34 on one and 7.4.11 on the other.

    Could you please advise?

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  • Dear @wplover1969,

    Thank you for the report.

    What version of the gallery plugin is currently installed on your site?
    Make sure it is updated.

    Is it 1.5.63? Can we have your site URL as well?


    Thread Starter wplover1969


    Dear Asya,
    We are currently using v. 2.3.34 of the plugin and I believe it is the Pro version (thus the difference in version numbers I suppose). We were unable to ask for Pro support as the email we used to register is no longer active and thus can’t do a password recovery.

    The plugin is currently deactivated on this site: https://brungelmino.it/
    but we use it on various others.


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