• Help ??
    Appears I’ve been hacked. First indication was email from hosting co advising site sent spam email. I attempted to log in through wp-admin
    which generated the following message

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/escorts/public_html/wp-content/themes/atahualpa/functions/bfa_footer.php:23) in /home/escorts/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 897

    So currently unable o log into wordpress to fix. I’ve gone into files via cpanel file manager and found file wp-content/themes/atahualpa/functions/bfa_footer.php has been modified 1st july so i assume this is atleast in part where it has been hacked.

    Any suggestions how I might access the site and recover? It’s not critical as site is not really active it was just a trial of a concept I set up so I can trash the lot if really needed.

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  • Call the host and request a backup restore.

    Thread Starter craigah


    Thanks for the suggestion re back up and I’ve emailed a request however fairly sure the answer is they don’t keep backups for restore of individual sites only to protect against major system failure etc.

    Backup of my wordpress site and database is my responsibility (which I didn’t do of course)

    They do keep backups. Redundant backup at that too. If they are refusing to do it change your host. For example, Inmotion Hosting allows up to 3 restore a day!

    Thread Starter craigah


    Many thanks for that, when I pushed them yes they do hold a backup suitable and could do the restore for me.

    So all is back up now and I’ll change all passwords etc. and try to keep it secure. Thanks for your help on that, it saved me a lot of time.

    Glad it worked out.

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