• Hey everyone.

    To my horror, my site was suspended this morning due to overloading(?)

    File mentioned below had caused load in the server and we were forced to suspend the account. Please let us know what kind of script is this and what are the steps you can take to avoid this from happening again.


    my website is https://www.swimbikerun.ph

    i did a little house cleaning and removed some of the plugins that i dont really use anyway.

    question is how can i monitor my site if its using too much resources again? is there a way?

    i have wp-cache and everything installed.

    would appreciate any comments or feedbacks

    also my webhost is webhostingpad.com

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  • Your website is still drawing server deactivate all plugins and activate one at time see which one is drawing I suspect wp-cache

    Thread Starter cdeguzman


    hi govpatel thanks so much for the tip.

    what do u mean still drawing server?

    also if i deactivate all plugins and activate em one at a time, how would i know if its the one thats causing server load?

    When you refresh by pressing Ctrl+F5 watch the bar at very bottom of browser you will see it loading files normally should stop loading about 5 sec if it keeps on refreshing by it self that is when you know that something is not working right.

    Thread Starter cdeguzman


    hi govpatel yes i noticed that too.

    too many things happening and loading at the status bar below of the browser.

    it usually takes 10+ seconds to load.

    could it be my menubar on top and the jquery? or is it most probably the plugins?

    Open your Footer.php and put this code
    <!-- <?php echo get_num_queries(); ?> queries -->

    After the body tag.

    Let me know when you do so i check your source.

    Don’t add that code, it’s already there, sorry about that.

    Your site is too heavy. With the caching plugin this is your query count:

    <!– 313 queries –>

    Too many scripts running, too many plugins and way too many things. deactivate all your plugins and check your source code. on the bottom you’ll see a line like the one above. Then start activating them and see which one is the killer. Get rid of it.

    Thread Starter cdeguzman


    heya shiraz yeah i already added that since i was researching awhile ago to know whats causing the problem. i was actually surprised it was 300+

    before the cleanup i was running at 380 queries.

    what is the acceptable/tolerable amount of queries?

    Thread Starter cdeguzman


    with all the plugins deactivated I’m still at <!– 71 queries –>

    It really depends on what you are executing but to give you some number example, my heaviest site is 65 queries. I have another site with tons of posts, galleries, scripts of all sorts and it only amounts to 28 .

    It’s just like a fever, by itself it’s nothing, but it’s a symptom of an illness. And that means too many request to your database. You got some home cleaning to do.

    Temporarily install another theme and see what happens. Did you hardcode anything to your theme files?

    Thread Starter cdeguzman


    hi shiraz!

    yes some were hardcoded.

    i’m afraid of tinkering too much with my file coz im afraid of breaking it again.

    i once again activated all the plugins now im having problems with the main page (home).

    some of the plugins arent showing in the main page (like the banner ad on top of the logo) the latest ad in the for sale section.

    its supposed to look like this (this is the directory section)


    notice the 726 banner ad above and the latest @ sbr classifieds at the top of the sidebar.

    what can i do to make those show on the main page? ??

    Your banners all showing.

    Out of curiosity, are you running wordpress multi-site?

    Thread Starter cdeguzman


    Hi Shirazdrum.

    Nope its only a single wordpress site.

    I managed to bring it down to <!– 152 queries –>

    Is that tolerable already?

    152 and I retained all my widgets and stuff

    Certainly an improvement. Did you try switching your theme to see the effects?

    Also try the w3 cache instead of super cache (more trouble than anything in my opinion).

    Let me know how it goes.

    Also i noticed that you run a SMF forum. Trying to separate the forum database from your site is also going to make a big difference on your server load. Ask for direction to do that in SMF community and i’m sure they can help.

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