There is no “WordPress staff”. WordPress is free software, made by volunteers and people who contribute to open-source code. We’re not a company.
If you have questions about the code in specific, then I’m happy to answer them. However, if you pasted code into your site and this broke your site, then my response would be to remove that code. Especially if you’re pasting it into your theme’s functions.php file, which you should never really do. Editing that file is dangerous and can indeed break your site if you don’t know what you’re doing. Code isn’t fuzzy, it’s exact. If you do it wrong, then it will break exactly in the way you’ve written it to do so.
Instead, you should make a custom plugin for your site, and try pasting the code into that. Plugins are safer, because they can be deactivated. More to the point, if you are pasting into a live site, then you should not be doing that at all. Make a test site, and test your changes locally first. Then you can figure out problems without breaking your live site in the process. Never edit code on a live site unless you absolutely have to. That’s just bad development practice.
Snippets of code like that are provided for developers, so that they can see how something works and how to modify pieces of WordPress. They’re not meant for end users, and certainly not meant for “pasting” into live sites. No matter what it says on the page. There is no case where you would take a snippet of code that you do not know what it does, and run it on your live site without understanding it first. Not unless there are extreme circumstances involved.
What I’m saying is, that if you don’t know code, you should learn it first, and ask specific questions about those snippets. Those sorts of questions we’re always happy to answer. Your question is basically “why doesn’t this code work on my site?”, and the ultimate answer there is probably “because you did something wrong and there’s no way for us to tell what.” I’m not trying to be harsh or anything, but that’s the truth of it. If you have more specific questions about problems with the code, I’m happy to take a look and answer those questions for you.