• Hello,
    i updated wordpress at 4.0 version. And in my categories menu the “Read More” link changed to some symbols and Read More.
    Then i went to Theme Functions (functions.php) to edit the code.
    I deleted the two udnerscores (__) in the code bellow and clicked update and the site dissapeared. The control panel dissapeared too! Any ideas to solve this?
    This is the code (i placed the symbols i deleted between *** and *** so you can understand where it is):

    function theme_get_content($args = array()) {
    global $wp_query;
    $post_id = get_queried_object_id();
    $more_tag = theme_get_array_value($args, ‘more_tag’,***__***(‘Διαβ?στε περισσ?τερα <span class=”meta-nav”>→</span>’, THEME_NS));
    if ($post_id && (is_single() || is_page()) && ‘false’ === get_post_meta($post_id, ‘use_wpautop’, true)) {
    remove_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘wpautop’ );
    $content = theme_ob_get_clean();
    return $content . wp_link_pages(array(
    ‘before’ => ‘<p><span class=”page-navi-outer page-navi-caption”><span class=”page-navi-inner”>’ . __(‘Pages’, THEME_NS) . ‘: </span></span>’,
    ‘after’ => ‘</p>’,
    ‘link_before’ => ‘<span class=”page-navi-outer”><span class=”page-navi-inner”>’,
    ‘link_after’ => ‘</span></span>’,
    ‘echo’ => 0

    function theme_get_excerpt($args = array()) {
    global $post;
    $more_tag = theme_get_array_value($args, ‘more_tag’,***__***(‘Διαβ?στε περισσ?τερα <span class=”meta-nav”>→</span>’, THEME_NS));
    $auto = theme_get_array_value($args, ‘auto’, theme_get_option(‘theme_metadata_excerpt_auto’));
    $all_words = theme_get_array_value($args, ‘all_words’, theme_get_option(‘theme_metadata_excerpt_words’));
    $min_remainder = theme_get_array_value($args, ‘min_remainder’, theme_get_option(‘theme_metadata_excerpt_min_remainder’));
    $allowed_tags = theme_get_array_value($args, ‘allowed_tags’,
    ? explode(‘,’,str_replace(‘ ‘, ”, theme_get_option(‘theme_metadata_excerpt_allowed_tags’)))
    : null));

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  • Steve


    Hi vaspant90,
    Are you referring to these symbols: Διαβ?στε περισσ?τερα ? If so, it’s ‘Read more’ in Greek.
    Assuming your site is can you access your host servers control panel or use an ftp program to save the theme folder to your local machine and then move/rename/delete it.

    Your site should revert to one of the default twenty themes. You will then be able to get back in to fix/reinstall your theme.



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