• https://www.wairoa.com/
    I’m using the Mars Spirit template from Alex King’s site, which I’ve tried to modify a bit, although I am having a struggle with some things. But all in all it’s working quite well.
    I must say that trying to maintain the XHTML compliancy is sheer hell for me ?? so I gave up!
    Anyway, I’d appreciate some of you guys taking a look over it and letting me know what you think so far. If you spot any glaring boo boos or have any ideas on how I can improve it, I’d love to hear about that too! Thanks!

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  • Lookin’ good. Coherent design, coherent use. At times I think the color-scheme is darker than I’d like, but everything stays readable.

    Can I be blunt? IMHO (and everyone knows I have no style at all) that subject matter would lend itself to a lighter color scheme. I can see sandy browns, greens, white and bits of red. Just my two cents. And I am definitely not a *designer*.

    It would be nice to see a simple “about” page that describes what Wairoa is. I got the idea after some digging in the district info category but it might be helpful to have a description page linked from the front page (like your “what’s skype” page) or to have a blurb on the main page.

    Cool picture, I like what you did with the skin.

    Thread Starter wairoanz


    Thanks guys. I also think it’s a bit too dark, but that was my mood when I was looking for templates. I’ve had a couple of tries to lighten it up, but the result was a disaster. ?? I’ll chip away at it though. Point taken about the “About Wairoa” page… I will implement that, probably fit it in to where the Skype stuff is now (as the novelty of Skype is wearing off). My next task, though, it to tidy up around the Comments area, to get the trackback and rss code away from the left margin… maybe even drop it below the comment text input area. The work goes on!

    As mentioned at the outset of this thread, I was previously using the<A HREF=”https://www.alexking.org/software/wordpress/styles/sample.php?wpstyle=mars-spirit”>Mars Spirit</A> template from <A HREF=”https://www.alexking.org/index.php?content=software/wordpress/styles.php”>Alex King’s WP Styles</A> page. Initially I was pleased with it — as it had all the “flourishes” and style of a well designed site (actually, I still think it is a nice template, just not for me).
    After posting my link here for a site critique, and receiving feedback, I became determined to change the design. I looked at modifying the Mars Spirit CSS… but found it too complex for my limited skills. I hunted about for a day or so, and experimented with several ready-to-go templates, but nothing really took my fancy.
    Then I discovered <A HREF=”https://www.atthe404.com/wordpress/”>Root’s Gemini Template</A>, which provided just the basic structure I was looking for. I found it reasonably easy to understand and modify the CSS and begin the task of creating my own site flavor.
    Of course it’s still a work-in-progress, but I think it is quite ready enough to throw up here again for a fresh critiqe…
    What’s the verdict? I look forward to you feedback, thanks.

    I think it would be good to change the background to a light blue.

    Thread Starter wairoanz


    Thanks Mark… Black and Red are a ‘local’ color thing. But I’ll try light blue and see how it looks.

    The site looks great. Thanks for your help on other issue. BTW, my brother is a Kiwi (dual citizenship), and lives near Auckland. If I can ever get a vacation I will be heading your way. Thanks again.

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