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  • Clean and simple design. Looks sharp!

    This may or may not be pertinent (it’s not “pertanent”), but I noticed a few things:

    There are no comment links to your posts (i.e., <?php comments_popup_link(__("No Comments"), __("1 Comment"), __("% Comments")); ?>).

    It is a bit too wide for 800×600 res.

    Your permalinks might be better served as part of the post titles (i.e., <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a>), rather than have them after the posts.

    That’s just my opinion. Take it or leave it. Other than that, I think it is a good design, real easy-on-the-eyes.

    Very simple but effective

    Thread Starter rsl


    I’m not sure what you mean about the no comment links. From the front page, the “Add a comment” & “[number] comments” lines come from my scripting that php comments_popup_link() function.

    And I agree it’s way too wide right now. I didn’t notice because I use a really high resolution.

    Anything else, guys [and gals]?

    Looks great, save one thing. The meta text under the posts (Filed under, Permalink, etc.) is pretty unreadable at normal text size in Firefox. If I bump it up once, it’s okay though. Other than that, I like it.

    Thread Starter rsl


    You think that’s a color issue more than text size? [Since the font size is the same for both the regular text and that h5’d metadata.] I’m questioning my color choices there.

    I guess I must have missed the “ADD A COMMENT” links before. That is pretty amazing ’cause they use an all-CAPS font. From years of posting on usenet groups, I became accustomed to seeing all-CAPS only when someone was yelling. In my titles, I have always opted for upper-lowercase text – unless, of course, I want to yell. ??

    I would still get rid of those “PERMANENT LINK” links, incorporating them into the post titles as referenced above.

    Also, one more thing I can’t believe I missed is all that white space above your header. (Was that there the last time I looked?) I would move the header up as far as possible. And, why not make that flash a link to your front page?

    Judging from your comments on the sidebar, you have a good sense of humor. I look forward to reading your blog content, once you get it rolling.

    Nice and clean but I have about 4 inches of white space from the top of the blog to the title – thats in opera…

    Nice and clean but I have about 4 inches of white space from the top of the blog to the title – thats in opera…

    I do not find a straight way to contact you (or site admin, anyway). A contact address in every page would be kind.

    Thread Starter rsl


    Could someone post a screenshot of the Opera page? I intend a lot of negative space there. I like the balance it gives, but if there’s a problem with Opera I want to fix it. [I hope it’s just the normal amount of margin I put on it: a rather grand 150px.]

    Per the “permalinks”, I swear I’ve never seen anyone but WordPress bloggers put their permalinks at the top. Everyone I know puts them at the bottom [as metadata like me] or in the date/time of the post. But most WordPressers seem to uniformly put their permalinks in the title. Why’s this?

    Contact email! Yeah! I knew there was something!

    it loosk good, but is the header the only place you use flash? You could probably get a similar effect with a gif.

    Thread Starter rsl


    The header display random glyphs from a set of about 16 [or maybe it’s 19]. I realized I could have done a gif too, but the flash is only 26k. So I figured “what the hey?”

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