• Hi guys,

    I require some urgent assistance if possible – I activated this plugin (in error it seems, via –
    https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/article/how-to-install-a-ssl-certificate-on-your-wordpress-site/ )

    Hoping to connect my wordpress site with the ssl certificate I had just bought and which was displayed as active with my host.

    However, instead, it forced the browser to https// my site.com – but this url can’t be reached, and I cannot now undo this change as I cannot access my wordpress dashboard either.

    I deleted the WP Force SSL plugin folder from my /web/wp-content/plugins directory on my site’s file manager but I still cannot browse to my site, just keep getting an unavailable https page instead,

    Any help is very much appreciated,

    Thank you,


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  • Here are a few things to try in order:

    Rename .htaccess file and check if you can access the site

    Access database and check if the site is http or https in wp_options table (may vary if the prefix is not default)

    Share the website address

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by luckychingi.
    Thread Starter johnathenamedia


    Thanks luckychingi,

    I’ve changed the name of the main htaccess file to ‘.htaccess2’ but that didn’t seem to change anything.

    I cannot seem to locate any login information for the database which is infuriating.

    the web address is counsellingandtherapy.com – which I can seem to view, but not access the /wp-admin page

    (*there is a password protection plugin running as the site’s in development so if asked for a password it’s ‘counselling’)

    If you can get to the backend (using FTP) and modify your wp-config.php file (back it up first!) you might be able to get back in.

    Read this article

    It has the code you can put into wp-config.php to change your site URL
    but instead of changing it to https change it back to http.
    You can either change it to https: or change it back to http: … adjust
    the code in the article to fit your need but “please” make a copy of wp-config.php before you make any changes in case you cause a more serious error you can revert back to the original version.

    This article also might be useful to “force” SSL login.

    Thread Starter johnathenamedia



    Thank you so much – I was able to login via that link you posted, amazing. And @muddg, thank you for taking the time also, I really appreciate that. I won’t activate a plugin without due caution again.

    So on my dashboard, under Settings>General, I went back and reverted the wordpress address and site address to http as they had been before:

    WordPress Address (URL) – https://counsellingandtherapy.com
    Site Address (URL) – https://counsellingandtherapy.com

    Ok, so evidently I could do with some assistance in connecting the SSL Certificate to the site (purchased and displaying as live according to my hosting company), any step-by-step guides or advice would be sincerely appreciated,



    @johnathenamedia you can hire help for a small fee https://jobs.wordpress.net/

    I am glad the information I posted was useful.

    Next steps depend on your host and steps you’ve taken so far.

    I used your “feedback” mechanism on your site. Check your email.

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