Site backing up 3-4 times every day, can’t make it stop
I tried telling Total Upkeep to stop scheduled backups because I had it set to weekly and my site has been stuck virutually on an endless backup cycle, each one taking like 7 hours. The backups are back-to-back and are killing my site’s bandwidth.
I set it to “no schedule” and was warned no backup would happen. Then it backed up 4 times the next day.
I deleted Total Upkeep yesterday, deactivated and deleted it entirely. And it has backed up 3 times already since. Even though TU is, in theory, completely uninstalled.
The backup files are so huge they’re shutting my server down, overloading it.
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Backup details:
Estimated Pause: 31.16 seconds
Duration: 21938.94 seconds
Total size: 7.35 GB
Archive file path: /home/….
Archive file size: 7.20 GB
Compressor used: php_zip
Backup triggered by: Auto updateFILE AND FOLDER SETTINGS
Included: WPCORE,/wp-content
Excluded: .git,node_modulesDATABASE SETTINGS
Tables Excluded: NoneYou can manage notifications in your WordPress admin panel, under Total Upkeep settings.
For help with restoring a Total Upkeep archive file, please visit:
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