Quick test looks like HTML5 tags are being stripped in MultiSite for non Super Grovers…. This is interesting. We may need to post core folks to get that fixed.
Okay. You can ADD them via a plugin/function:
add_filter('edit_allowedposttags', 'ds_allowedposttags');
add_filter('edit_allowedtags', 'ds_allowedtags');
function ds_allowedposttags() {
$allowedposttags = array(
//fill this array with post tags as in wp-includes/kses.php
return $allowedposttags;
function ds_allowedtags() {
$allowedtags = array(
//fill this array with comment tags as in wp-includes/kses.php
return $allowedtags;
Mind you, both figure and figcaption are there.
'figure' => array(
'align' => array (),
'class' => array (),
'dir' => array (),
'lang' => array(),
'style' => array (),
'xml:lang' => array(),
'figcaption' => array(
'align' => array (),
'class' => array (),
'dir' => array (),
'lang' => array(),
'style' => array (),
'xml:lang' => array(),