Single Record Display Issues – HELP
I have been struggling with your advice to add the exclude code to the PHP file you suggested. Can’t seem to get it to work. I posted in another thread, but you have not responded in two days, so hopefully you will see it here.
My site is located at:
I want to be able to display to anyone searching our DB a members profile, but limit it to certain information only. It now shows pretty much the entire record, which is what I need for myself, but don’t want others to see this personal info. So how can I set up two ways to do this. One that would be a search result page for public viewing and one that would be the Admin page for my viewing. Would the Short Code change and offer me those two options?
Here is the PHP page you told me to install in my themes directory, I am sure I did something wrong because it doesn’t work.
Either I am dumb as a stump or I am doing something wrong…
Here is the code now that I moved the array up on top. What am I missing now…
* default template for displaying a single record
* this is the new “WordPress style” template
* each group with the “visible” attribute checked will display its fields in the order set
* in the manage database fields page.
* if there are specific fields you wish to exclude from display, you can include the “name” value of
* the field in the $exclude array like this: $exclude = array( ‘city’,’state’,’country’ ); or whatever
* you want. Leave it empty (like it is here) if you don’t want to exclude any fields.
* this template is a simple demonstration of what is possible
* for those unfamiliar with PHP, just remember that something like <?php echo $group->name ?> just prints out
* the group name. You can move it around, but leave all the parts between the <> brackets as they are.
*/// define an array of fields to exclude here
// skip any field found in the exclude array
if ( in_array( $this->field->name, $exclude ) ) continue;$exclude = array( ‘sign-up date’, ‘membership_level’, ‘username’, ‘password’, ‘age’,’address’, ‘address_2’, ‘zip’, ‘phone’, ‘mobile_phone’, ’email_2′, ‘Skype’, ‘mailing_list’, ‘interests’, ‘business_name’, ‘occupation’, ‘reason_for_joining’, ‘other_reasons’, ‘how_did_you_hear’, ‘other’, ‘comments’, ‘approved’, ‘volunteered’, ‘ipa_credit’, ‘impress_credts’, ‘ipa_gold_credit’, ‘impress_gold_credit’ );
// CSS class for empty fields
$empty_class = $this->get_empty_class( $this->field );?>
<div class=”wrap <?php echo $this->wrap_class ?>”>
<?php while ( $this->have_groups() ) : $this->the_group(); ?>
<div class=”section” id=”<?php echo Participants_Db::$css_prefix.$this->group->name ?>”>
<?php $this->group->print_title( ‘<h2>’, ‘</h2>’ ) ?>
<?php $this->group->print_description( ‘<p>’, ‘</p>’ ) ?>
<?php while ( $this->have_fields() ) : $this->the_field();
// CSS class for empty fields
$empty_class = $this->get_empty_class( $this->field );?>
<dl class=”<?php echo Participants_Db::$css_prefix.$this->field->name.’ ‘.$this->field->form_element.’ ‘.$empty_class?>”><dt class=”<?php echo $this->field->name.’ ‘.$empty_class?>”><?php $this->field->print_label() ?></dt>
<dd class=”<?php echo $this->field->name.’ ‘.$empty_class?>”><?php $this->field->print_value() ?></dd>
<?php endwhile; // end of the fields loop ?>
<?php endwhile; // end of the groups loop ?>
See for yourself, it is still showing the full record.
Can you make the change in the above and just post it so I can simply copy it and try it?
Thanks for your patience. Now if this works, I will still want to be able to pull the full record for my use. This one will be for public viewing.
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