• This is an absolute fantastic plugin!
    Now the question, form a newbie who spent last 5 hour to try to understand something and he (me) is getting very depressed.

    The aweber integration for subscription works fine. But I am missing the “how to do for” the Single Post/Page.

    1) A prospect is in list1 of Aweber.
    2) The prospect buys a product through paypal from a restricted page (s2member) [s2Member-PayPal-Button …. output=”button” /]

    How to move this prospect in the customer’s list2 of aweber?

    Using Specific Post/Page Sale Notification URLs? What do I need to put here? The aweber paypal ipn?

    Please add an example.

    Thank you, thank you

    I guess that it would be the same also for Specific Post/Page Refund/Reversal Notification


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  • Thread Starter ugo


    Please help…

    You just need some rest… s2Member should move it. At least it do with MailChimp. Well, test… (after the rest ?? )

    Thread Starter ugo


    No… I am using 1 aweber account but different paypal accounts for different lists connected to different websites.
    So paypal ipn cannot be used

    In this case you can use “Other notifications” of s2Member to fire a wp-ajax at the other site, to subscribe the user to another list.

    Thread Starter ugo


    thanks krumch,

    could you provide an example?

    I was thinking that I should use the customer email parser,
    in the Specific Post/Page Sale Notification URLs
    but I do not know how to do it.

    I can explain shortly, and can do myself, but I have no example… First, in the site where member must be in “listX” (not in the initial “list1”), you must create a plugin or a hack in s2-hacks.php file (look for “payment notification hack” or similar in s2Member forum) to add the customer to the need list. Well, second part is not so easy, you must work with aWeber’s API. This hack/plugin will receive member’s info (ID maybe or all the need info) in the URL as parameters. As result you will have a URL, which you must populate with member’s info at the first site, where member stay in “list1” and must be removed from it. This URL, with need %% tags you must set in “Other notifications” in the first WP site.
    Here is how this works: Member is in the first site. Buys the product/level/etc, Paypal confirmed by IPN and s2M fires the URL we set in “Other notifications”. This URL points to the second site, where the user must be in “listX”. It have need info to recognize the user (member of site2 too), and your hack/post adds it to the need list at aWeber.
    Hope that helps…

    Thread Starter ugo


    Thanks, I will look in to that. But I think I did not express myself well.

    So far I understood that
    1) if you can use the paypal ipn, just insert in the “Specific Post/Page Sale Notification URL” the url https://webhooks.aweber.com/paypal_ipn/xxx
    (see the https://www.s2member.com/forums/topic/paypal-pro-forms-aweber-notify-url/)

    2) if you cannot use the paypal ipn (like me) one should send to aweber and email from “customer email” to [email protected] or use the aweber parser (https://www.s2member.com/kb/aweber-email-parser-for-s2member/). So What to insert in the the “Specific Post/Page Sale Notification URL”?

    Your 2) is a variant of the way I explain. In this case in the field “Specific Post/Page Sale Notification URL” should stay an URL, which will send a mail to [email protected] with member’s info, and at aWeber must be a corresponding parser.

    Usually s2M will move the member to need list if member is moved to another level, and the source level and target level have different lists you set at “API / List Servers -> AWeber Integration” (note the tip). Can not use “levels” instead “specific post/page”?

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