• I also posted this on your website, but I don’t know which you maintain most, so here is my feature request ones more.
    Original question: https://www.slickrflickr.com/56/how-to-use-slickr-flickr-to-create-a-slideshow-or-gallery/#comment-79137

    I would like to be able to show a single photo from my flickr account on my website.
    Perhaps with such a shortcode
    [slickr-flickr search=”photos” type=”single” photo=”5401396324″ ingallery=”dogs”]

    The search, type and photo attributes are pretty self explanatory, but ingallery is not and there is where the reason for my request comes from.
    With ingallery you can specify whether the single photo is a member of a gallery where more single photos on your page/post can be a member of. You can have more then one such a gallery on a page/post just by using another name for the gallery:

    [slickr-flickr search=”photos” type=”single” photo=”5401396324″ ingallery=”dogs”]
    blabla bla I like my this dog

    [slickr-flickr search=”photos” type=”single” photo=”5401396324″ ingallery=”dogs”]
    bla bla and this one too

    [slickr-flickr search=”photos” type=”single” photo=”5401396324″ ingallery=”cats”]
    bla bla bla, I hate cats
    [slickr-flickr search=”photos” type=”single” photo=”5401396324″ ingallery=”cats”]
    blablabla, especially this one

    (I love cats, it’s just an example)

    I know I can use the [embed] shortcode for just displaying a photo, but I want my users to have the same experience when they click a single photo or one from a gallery.
    When they click a photo which is in my page/post because of the [embed] shortcode, he/she is taken to my flickr account, I don’t want that. I want the same lightbox popup as slickr flickr uses, preferably with slideshow functionality as explained.


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