Single Listing page 404
Just installed the plugin, created a listing (like I would any other page or post), published and and clicked View Listing. Gives me a 404. What am I missing?
Reset your Permalinks by going to Settings > Permalinks in your Dashboard and press Save.
Did that, didn’t help.
Try changing your permalinks from the default to Post Name and Save.
Also, when posting to the forum please include as much information as possible, theme name and version number, WordPress version number, and especially a link to the site in question.
I did save it as Post Name and Save. The WordPress version is shown on the right column in these forum threads. ———————–>
Theme is Passage by Qode, version 1.1. Website is you. You have an issue with your permalinks and/or redirects in place.
It looks like a redirect is in place for /listings/ which is the same name/slug as the post type.
It’s likely because of this that accessing any listing, which also uses /listings/ (i.e. /listings/xxx-listing-title-xxx/) that you are getting a 404. Check your .htaccess and remove any redirect rules you have in place for listings in the url.
Hmmm. My permalinks have been set to Post Name for years. My IDX plugin requires it, too.
I have no redirects in place in .htaccess or elsewhere. (Other than the standard non-www to www RewriteRule.)
I did have an old listings. subdomain which I had forwarded to www, but I even deleted that just to be sure, but that didn’t help, either.
If you go to /listings/ on my domain, it does redirect to the page with the most similar URL, but that’s standard WordPress behavior when the URL you type in doesn’t exist.
If you go to /listings/ on my domain, it does redirect to the page with the most similar URL, but that’s standard WordPress behavior when the URL you type in doesn’t exist.
Not true.
Your /listings/ URL is now going to the correct archive page template, so whatever you changed recently did have some effect.
Single listings are still 404’ing, and using the post ID ( does redirect to the proper permalink, so it has to be some htaccess or redirect rules in place on your server that is causing that.
Replace your htacess rules with the standard WordPress rules at the top of this page: You may need to save permalinks again after this is done.
I don’t know how you got the correct archive page template, but when I go to my /listings/ URL it redirects to my /listings-index/ page.
Of course I can’t simply replace my .htaccess with the standard one because my .htaccess must contain the necessary lines for W3TC. But I will post the content of my .htaccess below and see if you can find any redirect that would affect the /listings/ URL. I don’t.
Options -Indexes RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. 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As with any plugin/theme troubleshooting, we’ll ask that you disable all other plugins to eliminate conflicts (including w3tc). If it begins working, re-enable them one-by-one to determine that source.
Your archive page is now redirecting back to /listings-index/. So again, something changed. Should have grabbed a screenshot earlier.
OK, so far I have tried disabling W3TC, WordPress SEO, and Simple Real Estate Pack. No help so far. Tonight I’ll try disabling all plugins and will report back.
OK, I deactivated all plugins except WP-Listings. Still the /listings/ archive page will not load. Here is a video showing just that:
And I’ve posted the contents of my .htaccess above. What else could be the problem?
Something with your particular WordPress install. Create a new, clean instance of WordPress and install there.
Hmmm. This is a pretty darn new WP install, just a few months old. (I just moved hosts and had the new host do a clean WP install before the migration.) Everything else is working fine, just not the WP-Listings plugin. I can’t imagine what could go wrong with a WP install that would make only /listings/ redirect. If there’s nothing else it could be, I guess I’ll have the host install another WP instance and report back.
Yeah, there’s not much else we can do from this end because it’s localized to your specific setup. Seeing as you did have a redirect in there, it could be a remnant of that still hiding somewhere. Either way, after nearly 2000 downloads, you’re the first to report an issue like this, so it’s almost certainly not a plugin issue.
I see your latest update offers the ability to change the Listings post type slug to resolve such conflicts. Strange thing is, I’ve changed this multiple times (and yes, reset my permalinks each time) and I still get a 404 on the WP-Listings archive and on single listing pages. So it’s not simply a matter of some specific redirect hijacking the /listings/ directory. Very strange. Just thought I’d let you know in case that gives you any ideas on the subject.
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