Hi @rescue Themes,
I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.
I have tested Events Calendar 3.6.1 on my test site and found it’s displaying the title for single events without any issue.
The following code is added in the Events Calendar plugin file tribe-events-full.min.css to remove unused header / footer elements on event page template.
.events-archive header.entry-header,
.events-archive footer.entry-meta,
.single-tribe_events header.entry-header,
.single-tribe_events footer.entry-meta,
.single-tribe_venue header.entry-header,
.single-tribe_venue footer.entry-meta,
.single-tribe_organizer header.entry-header,
.single-tribe_organizer footer.entry-meta
display: none;
I think your theme is displaying the single event title in the header tag instead of h2 tag which is widely used even in the default WordPress themes like Twenty Twelve.
Could you please try using the default WordPress theme like Twenty Twelve and let me know whether it works fine with it or not?
If it works fine with the default WordPress theme then this is the theme issue.
Please tell me which theme you are using and also share me single event page URL of your site so that i can test it.
Kind Regards,
Vinod Dalvi