Single-cr3ativspeaker.php and single-cr3ativeconference.php doesn’t work
Good evening,
I installed Cr3ativ Conference Plugin and then I upload page-templates files in current theme’s directory dedicated to templates (‘wp-content/themes/sydney/page-templates’ in my case).
template-cr3ativeconference.php and template-cr3ativespeaker.php works good, but single-cr3ativspeaker.php and single-cr3ativeconference.php doesn’t work. My problem is that template in “Speaker” and “Session” page has the sidebar on the left.
You can see this here:
and here: yes, I modified cr3ative slug (cr3ativespeaker > speaker and cr3ativconference > workshop).
I tried everything and I noticed that generally such pages should have a full width template (like in your official demo:
What could be the problem?
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