• Resolved rogerhnn


    Hi, I would like to change how the badges are displayed in the page.

    How can I change its structure to this:

    <div class="achievement-wrap earned">
      <div class="badgeos-achievement-earned">
      <div class="alignleft badgeos-item-image">
      <div class="badgeos-item-points">50 Points</div>
      <div class="badgeos-achievement-congratulations">
      <h4>1 Required Steps</h4>
      <ul class="badgeos-required-achievements">

    [Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been permanently damaged by the forum’s parser.]

    What I want is the message of earned in the top, the image floating in the left below the message (I can do this with css), the points in the right of the image, the congratulations image in the right of the image too, floating below the points, and the Required steps below the congratulations messages.

    I tried to change some things in content-filters.php but got no good result.


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  • Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    I’d highly advise not editing the plugin files, because they’ll get overwritten next time you update the plugin.

    That said, as I’ve noted in one of your other threads, all of the achievement types are Custom Post Types. With that, you can easily query for them on your own using something like the WP_Query class or even just get_posts(). You’ll be able to pull the correct content out of the database, loop, and display however which way you want. I can also assure you there are many tutorials out there for doing such things with Custom Post Types.

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Looking for any help with this task as well? or did you get it covered?

    Thread Starter rogerhnn


    Hi Michael, I tried but didnt got it to work. I dont know how to make a query and get this to work properly. Sorry :/

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Want some basic help to get it started? If yes, I’d just need to know the achievement name, and how many you want to display at a time. Feel free to throw in other details of what you’d like and I can give you some code.

    Thread Starter rogerhnn


    I changed the way a badge display using the css, but its not like I wanted. And changing in the core file its much difficult. I want to style the way you see the badge page when you look at an individual badge.

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    your body tag may have some unique classes on it that you could use to specify styles for individual achievement types and even individual achievements. check it out sometime and see if that helps.

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