• I installed the this OpenID plugin and XRDS-Simple on my server, then used the ruby-openid tool to test it out. It seemed to work partially, but it gave me the following error in the UI:

    Verification failed: No matching endpoint found after discovering

    (These error messages may not help you since this isn’t the ruby-openid forum, but there’s always a chance.) Here are the error messages I get from the consumer logic, in case it helps:

    Error attempting to use stored discovery information: OpenID::TypeURIMismatch
    Attempting discovery to verify endpoint
    Performing discovery on https://www.sinksolvers.com/office/?author=1
    WARNING: making https request to https://www.sinksolvers.com/office/?author=1 without verifying server certificate; no CA path was specified.
    WARNING: making https request to https://www.sinksolvers.com/office/?xrds without verifying server certificate; no CA path was specified.
    Discovery verification failure for https://www.sinksolvers.com/office/?author=1
     * Endpoint mismatch: OpenID::TypeURIMismatch

    I finally found a trick that let the whole thing work after reading the last comment on
    this thread.

    Sure enough, after disabling XRDS-Simple it worked like a charm.

    The error may be of interest for finding a bug in this plugin… but my question is: what do I lose by disabling XRDS-Simple?

    Thanks for a most excellent, useful plugin!


  • The topic ‘Since provider fails to verify with XRDS-Simple, what do I lose without it?’ is closed to new replies.