• Can’t understand all the criticism and reservations to Gutenberg. I’m a privat user and new to WordPress. I was using Joomla before, which is really great esp. the opertunities if you have a different user type for your site after the login. This time I was looking for something easier. WordPress and Gutenberg is exactly what I needed! Simply fantastc. Thanks for Gutenberg.
    Ralf Schurer, Berlin

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  • Thank you for taking the time to test out Gutenberg and share your thoughts on it. Much appreciated!

    It’s good to hear that the experience is good for an individual user. Most of the criticism comes from developers who develop with WordPress on a daily basis.

    Gutenberg has been driven by giving end users an easy way to create nice posts in a smooth way to try and compete with other website builders. Gutenberg has not been driven by making developers lives easier. For those of us who use wordpress to create complex web applications gutenberg currently just doesn’t have any of the needed depth, and neither should it. If they’d created it as an opt-in, instead of an opt-out, there would be much less complaint.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by abiruth.
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