• I’ve recently installed this plugin in a fairly new WordPress 4.0 installation, and it doesn’t seem to function as suggested.

    I have enabled the “Login form protected by Login LockDown.” message, so am sure the plugin is active. All of the other options have been left at the default value, except for the option to track invalid users.

    I’ve checked the database, and can’t see any new tables, which some others have mentioned are created by the plugin. Perhaps that is a clue to the problem?


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  • Hosted on HOSTEK.

    They run IIS rather than Apache
    PHP 5.5.19
    Server version: 5.6.14 – MySQL Community Server (GPL)




    After some searches and tests based on v1.6.1 :
    At lines 375 and 376, to create the tables you use add_action()
    Why not using register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'loginLockdown_install'); ? It works on my dev servers (see above). Not tested on my production servers.

    I now run WP4.1.1




    @doume – so, you think on the dev servers the add_action was not getting called at all?




    @mvandemar I don’t know (nothing in debug traces)

    I just made some searches on “register_activation_hook vs add_action” to try to understand and found some answers: discution on www.remarpro.com

    And the function Codec itself

    BTW the other plugin I use (wp-maintenance-mode) uses the register_activation_hook to create its table when activated.

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