• slambert


    I’ve looked and looked trying to integrate WP and SimpleViewer using the Kimili Flash Embed Pugin. There’s a few posts, but nothing that really lays out how it’s done, especially with the recent update of the Kimili plugin.

    So let’s solve this! I’m willing to post instructions to the Codex if someone can help me figure this out. Right now, using the available info I pieced together, I can get the Simpleviewer to load in a post, but no images. (The gallery works because it will load outside a wordpress post.) I am using Kimili Flash Embed 1.0 and WordPress 2.0

    I know I’m not the only one who wants this…

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  • @comedian,
    Try shortening the imagePath and thumbPath. If you need the steps, check out my post:

    seville – I am aware of the problem that makes it difficult to post 2 or more galleries on the same page. It stems from using multiple instances of a SWF on a page. The way around it involves creating divs (or some other element) with unique ID attributes to use as the placeholder for a movie and then referencing those placeholders with the Kimili Flash Embed’s target attribute.

    That said, I am wrapping up a BIG update to this plugin. This is one of the issues it will address. You’ll be able to post multiple instances of any SWF without having to define placeholders, so look for it in the next few days on my site.


    So I’ve modeled everyone’s suggestions to the tee, but to no avail. when my plugin queries the viewer.swf file it gets this in the source code:

    <div id="fo_targ_viewer1792363380"></div>

    <script type="text/javascript">
    // <![CDATA[

    var flashObject = new FlashObject("/simpleviewer/gallery1/viewer.swf","fm_viewer","500","500","6","#FFFFFF","","best","","");

    // ]]>

    What’s with all the messy numbers after “fo_targ_viewer” ? They’re not in the source for any body else’s working WordPress Simpleviewer galleries, they just look like, for example:

    <div id="fo_targ_viewer"></div>

    <script type="text/javascript">
    // <![CDATA[

    var flashObject = new FlashObject("https://www.amoswong.com/gallery/paris/viewer.swf","fm_viewer","480","900","6","#FFFFFF","","best","","");

    // ]]>


    See, no unusual 10 didget numbers. I’ve tried using the full source in the code, and not using the full source. I’ve even tried using other people’s code to their galleries, and they still won’t work! In either case, no success. Any ideas?

    https://andiatetheworld.com/about =gallery location

    Hi Paul,
    I note that everytime I refresh your site, a different 10 digit “magical” number is produced.
    It looks like you are using WP2.0.2
    Give me a couple of days, I’ll check and see if I can help you on this. I’ll post my findings on my blog.

    OK. I found out the issue and got a possible workaround:

    Look at comment number 20 on the blog post.

    Though I have tested it successfuly, I need someone else to test it out and confirm the results.

    After spending nearly 10 hours attempting to figure out how to integrate the fantastic Simpleviewer photo gallery into my blog posts….I finally figured out a painless and insanely easy way to do it. So for my first every official post, I’m going to give you a quick run through.


    Would be more useful to more folks if you posted a précis here rather than forcing people to go elsewhere…. nice for your traffic, but much better for the rest of those looking for info if you put it here.

    And, a bit useless for people who don’t want things in IFRAMEs. ??

    As I’ve posted before, you can embed the XML data file path in the object directly. Maybe I’ll just create a simpleviewer plugin after all… ??


    I got a plugin working with the ‘old style’ inclusion code (that is, flash_detect.js, an [object] block, with an [embed] block in it). The plugin works by just giving it a path to a photo dir, where that dir has /images and /thumbs subfolders, a gallery.xml in the root of the folder, and you paste in a gallery.php script I whipped up.

    My gallery.php is used instead of the XML file, reading it in on the fly and rewriting the thumbPath and imagePath variables to be full paths to the folders. It was the only solution I’ve found so far that can work around what I feel is a ‘bug’ in SV, that it doesn’t use a relative path from the XML, but from the original-including-page. That makes NO sense (if there’s an xml file, and no path overrides specified, ASSUME the paths are relative to the XML file!!!).

    The plugin looks for a custom tag in the post body, and then generates the object block (or JS — but the JS doesn’t work for some reason).

    If there’s someone desperate to get things running, feel free to ping me via my site, and I can give you my work in progress… But I’d rather not really make it public until I can work out the path issues, and the javascript-failure issue, to the best resolution possible. ??


    Hey All: I was successful in using kimili + Simple Viewer in pages and posts. I use Breeze Browser Pro to generate my images, thumbs, and imageData.xml. I started with a template from Peter Berger and then modified the template (or you can just rename index2.html to imageData.xml.) Peter’s template made this a piece o’ cake.

    I am also using iBox. It’s the easiest of LightBox/ThickBox/etc. displays to implement.

    When I put an iBox and a SimpleViewer display on the same page/post, iBox does not dim the SimpleViewer display. I suppose I would not expect it to without some special magic. Also the iBox display slides under the SimpleViewer display.

    Can anyone think of some special magic to dim Simpleviewer when an iBox is up while at the same time having the iBox be in front of the SimpleViewer display?

    See my dev page.



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