• slambert


    I’ve looked and looked trying to integrate WP and SimpleViewer using the Kimili Flash Embed Pugin. There’s a few posts, but nothing that really lays out how it’s done, especially with the recent update of the Kimili plugin.

    So let’s solve this! I’m willing to post instructions to the Codex if someone can help me figure this out. Right now, using the available info I pieced together, I can get the Simpleviewer to load in a post, but no images. (The gallery works because it will load outside a wordpress post.) I am using Kimili Flash Embed 1.0 and WordPress 2.0

    I know I’m not the only one who wants this…

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  • davidchait


    No need for that plugin. When I did this, there was a lot of ‘funkiness’ with paths to files, but I have SV embedded in a Page (that is, the script block is in the Page content/body directly) without further plugin effort needed. After all, the embedding part is pure HTML/script goodness! ??

    For files, imageData.xml, viewer.swf are in the wp-root, as are my /images and /thumbs directories (and frankly all other SV stuff… everything in the wp-root).

    I can’t remember what I did to buildgallery.php — I thought I changed some things but I don’t see the changes at the moment. My directory paths at the top are both blanks (i.e., root).

    Ahh, but now looking into my imageData.xml, I see what I did… I think I manually ended up fixing up paths there:

    imagePath="../images/" thumbPath="../thumbs/">

    and then in the CDATA block for each image:

    <A href="../images/IMG_FILE.JPG"

    I think the ‘trick’ there is that the stuff is executing for my permalinks as a subdirectory (i.e., https://some.wp.site/gallery/), so the ../ forces it back up to the root. That was with 1.5 — don’t know if 2.0 permalink processing changes things.

    I haven’t looked at this in like 6 months now… there’s probably a much better way to integrate this, and in fact I’d now write the XML-generator as PHP code to generate >full< URLs to the pix. Though the root imagePath and thumbPath are still a problem, would probably have to generate full local paths to them, embedded.

    And, I’ve just moved my main site code over to 2.0.1, and I’m learning about building rewrite plugins, so might be able to eventually make a one-stop-shop for SV. Just not yet. ??


    Thread Starter slambert



    Did you just get it working in Pages, or Posts too? It’s important for my sites that this work in Posts. Let me know.

    Maybe I’ll give it a shot without the Kimili plugin in posts and see what happens…




    I did it in a page. In a post, it >might< depend upon your permalink structure. But as I said, I did everything with relative-paths. Possible that using the proper absolute-path structures throughout would eliminate all the issues I ran into (but, at a ‘cost’ of having to figure out the right things to enter in which places…).


    Thread Starter slambert


    Ok, David! With your clues I figured it out. Here’s how it’s done in wordpress 2.0.1…

    You do need the Kimili plugin.

    I created a simpleviewer gallery and put it in a folder at the root of my domain. Something like this would work: domain.com/simpleviewer/gallery1/

    In your post, you add this, using the kimili plugin to embed the flash code. You can change some of the variables, but notice that the links are all relative.

    [kml_flashembed movie="/simpleviewer/gallery1/viewer.swf" height="500" width="500" quality="best" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" fvars="xmlDataPath = /simpleviewer/gallery1/imageData.xml" /]

    Then edit the ImageData.xml file in your gallery, like so:

    <SIMPLEVIEWER_DATA maxImageDimension="358" textColor="0x000000" frameColor="0x000000" bgColor="0xFFFFFF" frameWidth="2" stagePadding="20" thumbnailColumns="2" thumbnailRows="5" navPosition="right" navDirection="LTR" title="Gallery 1" imagePath="/simpleviewer/gallery1/images/" thumbPath="/simpleviewer/gallery1/mcbeanshow/thumbs/">

    And notice again the relative paths to the images and thumbs folders.

    That should do it. If someone could do an independent test and let me know how it works, that would be great. Once we have a good description I’ll add it into the codex.

    Thread Starter slambert


    Sorry, scratch that last part.

    Then edit the ImageData.xml file in your gallery, like so:

    <SIMPLEVIEWER_DATA maxImageDimension="358" textColor="0x000000" frameColor="0x000000" bgColor="0xFFFFFF" frameWidth="2" stagePadding="20" thumbnailColumns="2" thumbnailRows="5" navPosition="right" navDirection="LTR" title="Gallery 1" imagePath="https://domain.com/simpleviewer/gallery1/images/" thumbPath="https://domain.com/simpleviewer/gallery1/mcbeanshow/thumbs/">

    And notice the full paths to the images and thumbs folders.



    Hi slambert, I was really glad when I found your post, unfortunately mine is not working. It doesn’t show anything in the post, except the title. I saved my gallery under mydomain.com/mygallery/mix/

    Kimili Flash is active and in my plugin folder, do I have to do anything else with this plugin?

    I changed the ImageData.xml file like you said:

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>

    <SIMPLEVIEWER_DATA maxImageDimension=”358″ textColor=”0x000000″ frameColor=”0x000000″ bgColor=”0xCCCCCC” frameWidth=”2″ stagePadding=”20″ thumbnailColumns=”2″ thumbnailRows=”5″ navPosition=”left” navDirection=”LTR” title=”mix” imagePath=”https://mydomain.com/mygallery/mix/images/&#8221; thumbPath=”https://mydomain.com/mygallery/mix/thumbnails/”&gt;

    the only think what I didn’t understand why do you have “mcbeanshow” in your Thumbpath?

    I put in the post:

    [kml_flashembed movie=”/mygallery/mix/viewer.swf” height=”500″ width=”500″ quality=”best” bgcolor=”#FFFFFF” fvars=”xmlDataPath = “/mygallery/mix/imageData.xml” /]

    In this part it doesn’t have to be the full path, right?

    that should be right so far, I guess. Since I’m a newbie, where do I have to put this in the post, in the wysiwyg view or in the source code, I tried both but none is working.

    Just FYI, I’m using the default Theme you get at the beginning.

    It would be great if you can help find the error

    thanks a lot


    Thread Starter slambert


    Kimili Flash is active and in my plugin folder, do I have to do anything else with this plugin?

    Not really, the plugin just enables you to insert the flash code into the post.

    the only think what I didn’t understand why do you have “mcbeanshow” in your Thumbpath?

    Whoops, that was leftover code from my own experiment.

    I put in the post:

    [kml_flashembed movie="/mygallery/mix/viewer.swf" height="500" width="500" quality="best" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" fvars="xmlDataPath = "/mygallery/mix/imageData.xml" /]

    In this part it doesn’t have to be the full path, right?


    that should be right so far, I guess. Since I’m a newbie, where do I have to put this in the post, in the wysiwyg view or in the source code, I tried both but none is working.

    it works in the wysiwyg mode for me.

    I’m not sure why it’s not working. When you go straight to: mydomain.com/mygallery/mix/ does the simpleviewer work? Can you send your real URL so I can take a look? And when you say the images aren’t loading, does the flash preloader thing work?



    Hey slambert thanks a lot for your quick reply. the link to the gallery is https://afrison.com/mygallery/mix/

    It might have been to do, that I don’t have the wordpress files not directly under my domain. All wordpress files are under the folder wordpress. Is this maybe the problem? Do I have to put all files directly under wordpress?

    But I also copied the gallery “mix” under the folder wordpress and tried it out, still not working


    I add /wordpress/ in ImageData.xml and in the post.

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>

    <SIMPLEVIEWER_DATA maxImageDimension=”358″ textColor=”0x000000″ frameColor=”0x000000″ bgColor=”0xCCCCCC” frameWidth=”2″ stagePadding=”20″ thumbnailColumns=”2″ thumbnailRows=”5″ navPosition=”left” navDirection=”LTR” title=”mix” imagePath=”https://afrison.com/wordpress/mygallery/mix/images/&#8221; thumbPath=”https://afrison.com/wordpress/mygallery/mix/thumbnails/”&gt;

    [kml_flashembed movie=”/wordpress/mygallery/mix/viewer.swf” height=”500″ width=”500″ quality=”best” bgcolor=”#FFFFFF” fvars=”xmlDataPath = “/wordpress/mygallery/mix/imageData.xml” /]

    the link to the comment where it should show the gallery is


    It should shown right under Imageviewer Flash

    Thank you so much for helping me


    Thread Starter slambert


    Ok, we’re getting closer. Your galleries are working in both places. I don’t think you need to put the gallery in the wordpress folder, so let’s try to get it working in the mygallery folder off the domain. I think your imageData.xml file is fine.

    One thing that’s interesting is that the flash viewer isn’t showing up in the post. I think something is up with the code in the post.

    Basic stuff:

    1. Do you have the most recent version of the Kimili plugin?

    2. Experiment with this part:

    [kml_flashembed movie="/mygallery/mix/viewer.swf" height="500" width="500" quality="best" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" fvars="xmlDataPath = "/mygallery/mix/imageData.xml" /]

    – try putting in the full path and see what that does.
    – find another flash file (.swf) and put it in the /mix/ folder and see if you can get that to show up in the post.

    Let me know what happens…



    still not working ??

    I have the most recent Kimili plugin

    I tried it with the full path

    I created a small flash file and uploaded it into the mix folder and into the mygallery folder text.swf

    https://afrison.com/mygallery/mix/test.swf or https://afrison.com/mygallery/test.swf

    and put in the post following code

    [kml_flashembed movie=”/mygallery/mix/test.swf” height=”300″ width=”300″ quality=”best” bgcolor=”#FFFFFF” /]

    [kml_flashembed movie=”/mygallery/test.swf” height=”300″ width=”300″ quality=”best” bgcolor=”#FFFFFF” /]

    it’s still not showing the flash file, does it have to do something with the plugin, I don’t really know.

    I’m pretty frustrated cause I really would like to have this gallery work.

    I really appreciate your help


    Thread Starter slambert


    With the other more basic flash file not working, I think it has to do with the kimili plugin or the flash code in the post. Your galleries seem fine. Look at the Kimili site for support and other flash topics on this support forum. There has to be something simple we’re overlooking.

    I know how frustrating it is. Let me know when you get it working. I am really curious what the problem is.



    Thanks a lot, I will try to find it out and let you know.




    I think you are missing something. Here is what I have in my page which works:

    <kml_flashembed movie="https://www.yoursite.com/galleries/test/viewer.swf" height="650" width="650" fvars="xmlDataPath = https://www.yoursite.com/galleries/test/imageData.xml" bgcolor="#ffffff"></kml_flashembed>



    fyi, you really don’t need the plugin. it’s just adding overhead processing to every post on your site. flash can be embedded in html script blocks, standard.



    Thank you so much for your help. I tried it out without the plugin right now. With the plugin it just doesn’t work.


    the only difference what I had was that you us <<kml_flashembed and at the end ></kml_flashembed>

    instead of [kml_flashembed… and …/]

    in your case I have to put the code in the source code view, right?


    thanks for the tip, it looks more successfull, at least it is loading the page, or it looks like and then nothing is coming up. It is not loading the xml data, what do I have to insert, that it’s loading the pictures?


    this is the source code for the post

    <object id=”viewer” codebase=”https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,0,0&#8243; height=”100%” width=”100%” align=”middle” classid=”clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000″>
    <param value=”16722″ name=”_cx” />
    <param value=”2910″ name=”_cy” />
    <param name=”FlashVars” />
    <param value=”https://afrison.com/mygallery/mix/viewer.swf&#8221; name=”Movie” />
    <param value=”https://afrison.com/mygallery/mix/viewer.swf&#8221; name=”Src” />
    <param value=”Window” name=”WMode” />
    <param value=”-1″ name=”Play” />
    <param value=”-1″ name=”Loop” />
    <param value=”High” name=”Quality” />
    <param name=”SAlign” />
    <param value=”-1″ name=”Menu” />
    <param name=”Base” />
    <param value=”sameDomain” name=”AllowScriptAccess” />
    <param value=”ShowAll” name=”Scale” />
    <param value=”0″ name=”DeviceFont” />
    <param value=”0″ name=”EmbedMovie” />
    <param value=”CCCCCC” name=”BGColor” />
    <param name=”SWRemote” />
    <param name=”MovieData” />
    <param value=”1″ name=”SeamlessTabbing” />
    <param value=”0″ name=”Profile” />
    <param name=”ProfileAddress” />
    <param value=”0″ name=”ProfilePort” /></object>


    I will still try to make it work with the plugin and hopefully I can tell you what was wrong.

    Thanks in advance


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