• Hi there,

    My site https://www.rapnews.co.uk was created by a designer who’s since not about.

    I’ve added a mailing list feature at the bottom of my sidebar.

    Only trouble is, I can’t format it to look the same appearance as the search text box and button.

    Has anyone got any ideas as to where I’ll find the formatting of the search box and button, and how I can then copy it to make the mailing list box and button look identical?

    Many thanks,


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  • It’s the very first thing in your stylesheet ??

    You’ll have to add an id to your subscribeform and copy over the style declaration for that id.

    Thread Starter tonywright


    Hi. Thanks for the help. You make it sound simple!

    I’ve copied the stylesheet and pasted it, and changed the ID to subscribeform, but it’s still displaying white…

    Also, I suspect this will make the text box for the mailing list feature coloured correctly, but any ideas on the button?

    Thanks a lot,


    Hi Tony

    To help you on your way, you’ll need to validate, which might fix your problems.


    Thread Starter tonywright


    Hi. Thanks for your contributions. I followed your link and noted its suggestions although most of the errors it highlights are just > brackets. This really isn’t my priority, and although I value the need for everything to eventually get sorted when I have time, it’s what’s on the surface of the site which the visitor sees, which I find most important.

    I’m really after a solution to getting that hideous mailing list text field and button, as visually pleasing as my search text box and button.

    Any ideas would be highly appreciated, as I’m very much a novice at all this…

    Your Doctype is xhtml and many of the tags are html, …etc.
    <br> should be < … />
    <img … > should be <img … />
    … etc

    Thread Starter tonywright


    Thanks. This is a seperate issue to the one I’m trying to address though.

    Tony, as has been said before, until your site is valid, it’s pretty hard for those of us who design (and therefore might be supposed to have a clue about what you’re asking….) to dig very deep.

    On my own and clients’ sites for instance, I never bother with details such as your color input text box problem until I KNOW the underlying code validates.

    You have to style the subscribeform and the mailinglist input values the same as your searchform is styles in your blogs CSS.

    Thread Starter tonywright


    I’ve copied the paragraphs of code in the CSS for the searchform styles, and changed the ID line to subscribeform and mailinglist, but nothing has changed with those features…

    Thread Starter tonywright


    I’ve taken down the feature as I can’t get it looking great, but wish to eventually have it looking great, and being displayed. So any further suggestions or help? Would be much appreciated….

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