• I have installed wordpress 3 times now into subfolders of websites and every time, once the wordpress site is developed, and I go to “Point” to it, it doesn’t work. Obviously I’m doing something wrong but I just can’t, after reading 100’s of posts, figure out what I’m doing wrong, or how my situation is different from all the others?? I’ve seen the “subfolder instructions” that pertain to, ie. sites that change like conference sites, but that method doesn’t work. I’m beginning to think its a server side confusion.
    Sorry in advance this should be Simple.
    Please let me describe what I’m doing so an experienced person maybe can see the flaw.
    There is one main account, with 4 different websites, each with redirects/ Pointing to the “site root” folders, not the ROOT, root folder of the main account but Subfolders.
    Each time I add a folder Example.com/2016, that will be the new website, develop the new wordpress site in the folder and when I’m ready to launch the site, as the root site, ie, Example.com, and go to Piont to the site, it all falls apart. Why? I gather it’s because of the considerable amount of cross linkage that you normally wouldn’t have in an HTML site. I see this is a HTML method. SO what do I do? What am I doing wrong?
    Whoever will help I thank you. Sorry for the long explanation.

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  • Thread Starter siark


    I understand that if the Main site is pointing to RootFolder/htdocs/Example.com/2014, which on the web appears to be Example.com and you biuld a WP site in a folder RootFolder/htdocs/Example.com/2016 and then you go to Point to 2016, it messes up the configuration, becuase Example.com is no longer Example.com/2014. But what do I do? Do I have to develop the site in a remote Location, like a development location, and then manually migrate it to the new location ie. the original site location? Or is there a better way?

    What webhost are you using? What type of control panel do they use?

    Before you upload the files or point the domain nameservers to your host, with most shared hosts you would need to create the add-on domains in cPanel first – if your host does not use cPanel, they may have a section called “Domain Manager” or “Domain Central” or something similar along those lines in your dashboard. If that is the case, then you just add the new domains there, and generally at that point you define a folder for that particular domain and this is the folder where you would upload your WordPress files.

    After you have added all of the domains to the domain manager (or add-on domains in cPanel), then you need to go to your domain name registrar and set the nameservers your webhost provided – these should be all the same for each domain -( ie: ns1.mywebhost.com and ns2.mywebhost.com).

    After that, you can upload all of your WP files to the directory folder you specified when you added the domain. Once the DNS propagates (which can take 24-48 hours) – the site will be live and you will be able to access the WordPress install through the domain name. If you are anxious to get started before the DNS updates, you can follow directions for editing a file on your computer called the hosts file – if you search in Google “How to modify your hosts file” you will find various tutorials based on your computer type and operating system.

    Also – it is important to use different databases for each install of WordPress OR very carefully give each website its own database table prefix – otherwise no matter what you do, they are all going to use the exact same posts and information stored in the database. If you’ve confirmed everything is setup correctly with the webhost and adding multiple domains and the nameservers are correct, that could possibly be the issue you are experiencing. You can read more about this here:


    (Skip the part about Multi-site at the top – generally not for the new WP user or faint of heart – scroll to where it says “Multiple Blogs Through Multiple Installs”) – Personally I like each website to have its own separate database, but its a matter of choice and type of sites you are building)

    Hope that helps!

    Thread Starter siark


    Hi, thanks for that great information. I’m using Domain Central on Powweb, and have 4 sites in 4 subfolders. All that is clear and almost exactly what I’ve done. Except, since I want to develop the WP site without anyone seeing it being done and while the old site is still up. I work on the site (in a unique folder) Examaple.com/16, while Example.com/15 is still up. Then when I which the pionting to Example.com/16, either the pages can’t be found or it asks me to start my install from scratch? Meanwhile the folder with a completely developed WP site that is supposed to be at that address has completely vanished. ( I believe in my case the redirects are generated via a htacess file / dictionary file, and my actual name servers, NS1-2 stay the same with my host info)
    I have had to redo from scratch 3 sites that were complete developed because of this problem, I have 1 more to do and I would love to get it right this time.
    In those cases I had to load and develop the site while they were live at it’s end .com destination. Instead of backstage where I would have.
    I am using different data bases, I made that mistake on the first one/2nd one.
    What do you do? what is the most practical way to proceed? – just load the site while it’s live?

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