• https://www.ikhgraphics.com/?cat=9
    How would i make it go side to side, like the index page?
    like i dont want it to just go down, i want them to be side by side
    if that makes sense..

    insted of the images being
    i want it to be like
    title title title
    image image image
    make any sense?

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  • Thread Starter s7orm



    You can start by adding:
    .hentry {float:left !important; width:250px; }

    This will put everything inline.

    You’ll need to style it further to your likeness, of course.

    You’ll also need to change the grid system from 8 to 12 for it to take up the full width [I think] for that containing div. (I don’t use 960, so I may be wrong on that.)

    Thread Starter s7orm


    how would i go about changing the grid system?


    There is a line of code in your template file for this post:

    <div id="content" class="grid_8">

    Try changing the “grid_8” to “grid_12”.

    Please keep in mind, this is my assumption. These 960 grids are based on equal measurements. Everything is in columns with gutters(spacers) between each column. When you say grid_8, you are referring to using 8 columns out of the 12.

    It’s a slick system, but I use my own css and I am not too familiar with 960 overall.

    Thread Starter s7orm


    Yeah thanks i got it working, but now look at this,
    how would i get the border to fit the whole image? this is like this for all my posts now.

    Thread Starter s7orm



    That’s a tough one. I can see it is only in IE. It looks fine in chrome and ff.

    You may have to remove the set width for .hentry. That might be cutting off the border? Not sure.

    I’ll keep testing…

    Thread Starter s7orm


    well if i take off the width for .hentry , it fixes the border, but the archives arent spaced out or anything.
    also, is there any other way i can contact you to get this resolved quicker?

    That is the problem with 960 imo. Nothing is unique to target in the css.

    What you may have to do is use conditional statements to add specific styling depending on each page.

    Here is an example:

    <div id="post-169" class="post-169 post hentry category-apparel<?php if ( is_category('9') ) { echo ' cat-display'; } ?>">

    This adds the styling to only category pages.

    Now you can add the width property like .cat-display { float:left; width:250px; }

    When you float something, it is always good to set a width or IE gets screwy. For images and such, it can be calculated but for a div it sometimes helps to give a hint here and there.

    Any better?

    Thread Starter s7orm


    Ehh i really didnt get any of that,
    i tried to do it but no results..
    check out https://www.ikhgraphics.com
    then click apparel or portfolio
    how do i space thoses out alittle more?
    and make it where only 3 are on a line?

    What I was doing was saying if the presentation was in category 9, then add this code. I really don’t know the Work-a-holic theme so this could need to be in a different file.(Probably archive.php or a custom category-**.php file, etc.)

    It didn’t add the class so perhaps it was in the wrong file. If you determine the file you can add it there.

    to make it so only 3 are on a line just mess with the width until only 3 show per line. CSS can be confusing. It really helps if you have Firebug. Then you can edit the site live.

    I’m off to bed soon. Good luck!

    Thread Starter s7orm


    okay well i messed around alittle, and managed to get it somewhat working, but i just need to findout if theres any way to use a .hentry without it effecting ONE division code?

    Thread Starter s7orm



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