Simple miscode in titte.php design 2
It is a bit frustrating when a simple miscode in titte.php design 2 isn’t fixed which goes on for 3 versions. Every update and the file needs to be corrected.
<?php global $redux_builder_amp; do_action('ampforwp_above_the_title',$this); ?> <header class="amp-wp-article-header ampforwp-title"> <h1 class="amp-wp-title"><?php $ampforwp_title = $this->get( 'post_title' ); $ampforwp_title = apply_filters('ampforwp_filter_single_title', $ampforwp_title); echo wp_kses_data( $ampforwp_title );?> SPACES HERE!!!</h1>
This produce spaces in the title. The issue has been put on the forum 2 times and on github. It was fixed once a log time ago but the spaces have come back again. It is an elementary fix to knock out the spaces and postion the
correctly. Do you see the issue of dropping the</h1>
; down onto a new line with spaces before it? It is like that on all designs.
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