Simple method for multiple LOOPs, with pagination. just one catch!
good afternoon,
following the brilliant guidance from Boone Gorges’ reply to the question posed on another forum :
i reordered his code to make it a little more logical for my mind, it is posted below, followed by my question.
<?php get_header(); ?> <style type="text/css"> body { display: block; margin: auto; padding: 0 1em 0 1em; /* top right bottom left */ font-family: sans-serif; background: #66ddff; } .container_1 { position:relative; vertical-align:top; width: 930px; margin: 2em auto 2em auto; padding: 15px; background: #33ddff; } .standard { position:relative; vertical-align:top; width: 900px; min-height: 150px; margin: 0 0 2em 0; padding:15px; } .loop1 { background: #aaa; } .loop2 { background: #ccc; } .loop3 { background: #eee; } .page_number { /* decorate page numbers for loop2 */ font-size: 1em; font-weight:bold; padding: 5px; background:#cfc; margin:5px; border:1px solid black; } .loop2 A:link, /* decorate page numbers for loop2 */ .loop2 A:visited, .loop2 A:active {text-decoration: none; color: #ccc; cursor: pointer;} .loop2 A:hover {text-decoration: none; color: red; cursor: pointer;} .hidden {display:none;} </style> <?php // // $paged1 = isset( $_GET['paged1'] ) ? (int) $_GET['paged1'] : 1; $paged2 = isset( $_GET['paged2'] ) ? (int) $_GET['paged2'] : 1; $paged3 = isset( $_GET['paged3'] ) ? (int) $_GET['paged3'] : 1; $args1 = array( 'paged' => $paged1, 'post_type' => 'page', 'posts_per_page' => 1, ); $args2 = array( 'paged' => $paged2, 'post_type' => 'post', 'posts_per_page' => 2, ); $args3 = array( 'paged' => $paged3, 'post_type' => 'post', 'posts_per_page' => 2, ); ?> <div class="container_1"> <h1> three paginated loops on one page. </h1> <!-- --> <!-- init loop ONE here --> <!-- --> <div class="loop1 standard"> <h1> here's loop ONE </h1> <?php $query1 = new WP_Query( $args1 ); while ( $query1->have_posts() ) : $query1->the_post(); ?> <!-- CONTENT FOR LOOP HERE --> <h2> <?php the_title(); ?> </h2> <?php the_time( 'M' ); ?> <?php the_time( 'j' ); ?>. <?php the_excerpt(); ?> <!-- CLOSE LOOP HERE --> <?php endwhile;?> <hr> <h2> returns single PAGE, no navigation </h2> </div> <!-- div "loop1" --> <!-- --> <!-- init loop TWO here --> <!-- --> <div class="loop2 standard"> <h1> here's loop TWO </h1> <?php $query2 = new WP_Query( $args2 ); while ( $query2->have_posts() ) : $query2->the_post(); ?> <!-- CONTENT FOR LOOP HERE --> <h2> <?php the_title(); ?> </h2> <?php the_time( 'M' ); ?> <?php the_time( 'j' ); ?>. <?php the_excerpt(); ?> <!-- CLOSE LOOP HERE --> <?php endwhile;?> <hr> <!-- PAGINATION NAVIGATION STATION --> <?php $pag_args2 = array( 'format' => '?paged2=%#%', 'current' => $paged2, 'total' => $query2->max_num_pages, 'add_args' => array( 'paged3' => $paged3 ), 'before_page_number' => '<span class="page_number">', 'after_page_number' => '</span>', 'prev_text' => __( '', 'textdomain' ), 'next_text' => __( '', 'textdomain' ), ); echo paginate_links( $pag_args2 ); ?> <h2> returns two POSTs, page number navigation </h2> </div> <!-- div "loop2" --> <!-- --> <!-- init loop THREE here --> <!-- --> <div class="loop3 standard"> <h1> here's loop THREE </h1> <?php $query3 = new WP_Query( $args3 ); while ( $query3->have_posts() ) : $query3->the_post(); ?> <!-- CONTENT FOR LOOP HERE --> <h2> <?php the_title(); ?> </h2> <?php the_time( 'M' ); ?> <?php the_time( 'j' ); ?>. <?php the_excerpt(); ?> <!-- CLOSE LOOP HERE --> <?php endwhile;?> <hr> <!-- PAGINATION NAVIGATION STATION --> <?php $pag_args3 = array( 'format' => '?paged3=%#%', 'current' => $paged3, 'total' => $query3->max_num_pages, 'add_args' => array( 'paged2' => $paged2 ), 'before_page_number' => '<span class="hidden">', 'after_page_number' => '</span>', 'prev_text' => __( 'custom previous text', 'textdomain' ), 'next_text' => __( 'custom next text', 'textdomain' ), ); echo paginate_links( $pag_args3 ) ;?> <h2> returns two POSTs, prev/next navigation </h2> </div> <!-- div "loop3" --> </div> <!-- div "container_1"> --> <?php get_footer(); ?>
here is a very nicely working model for running three independent LOOPs on a single page, with pagination. unfortunately, i don’t know enough of how the code works to make some minor adjustments to perfectly match what i’m trying to accomplish.
my problem is that trying to change the post order to ASCending, or trying to skip any number of posts with the “offset=X” method is ineffective.
adding ‘offset’ => 1, or ‘order’ => ‘asc’ to any of the $args array defining the loop behavior does nothing.
any advice on why these modifiers do not effect the loop, or an alternate method would be appreciated!
thanks ??
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