• I needed a permanent link to a pdf file that would periodically change. Of course because of the way wp stores files, renaming the file does not solve the problem.

    With this plugin I have a page with a permanent link that redirects to the pdf. When I upload a new pdf, I just replace it’s url in the Add Page Link, that I conveniently find under the Pages with link icon.

    The only problem this plugin has is its description. I think more people would use it if they knew what it actually does. Oh, yes and once installed, finding the interface (Under Pages | New page | Add Page Link). Also, when you add it, it does not appear automatically in the Page list. It does so only when you refresh it, so you are not sure if you’ve actually done something and how you edit it.

    However once you get it, it is actually very simple to use.

    A screenshot more in the description would probably do the job.

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