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  • tzar


    this is rad! _O_



    beautiful looking but two things I would perhaps consider. Scrolling is a little rough in FF, dunno about IE, seems to jerk rather than scroll smoothly. Link on the right with the rollovers – the bouncy effect is a little overwhelming for something so cleanly designed – less is more?

    Other than that, this is one of the more impressive examples of WP with Flash I’ve seen. Nice work;)

    Thread Starter simdesigns


    Thanks for the comments, esp. Jinsan.
    I noticed the jerky scroll thing, and I guess it can be attributed to the 50 odd movie clips inside the one I’m trying to scroll, it takes a while for it to catch up. Trying to optimize that though.

    I think I’m going to change the bouncy menu, it was something I hadn’t done before, but I was too lazy to make it any smoother.

    Thanks again ??



    Cool, nice work! My only nitpick is figuring out how to scroll the blog, and having to hold down the arrows.. guess it’s a preference I have zero patience i like my mousewheel & speedy fingers ??

    nice but you gotta input a scrollbar. The other way is just to long. Nice job. FF is a little choppy in it but its a nice job ??

    Thread Starter simdesigns


    That faded red rectangle above the arrows, that’s the scroll bar, click and drag to scroll up or down.
    Thanks again for the comments.

    I know but I would rather see an acual scrollbar. It’s annoying to scroll the other way. way to time consuming



    I like it – it’s design aesthetics and neatly done. I guess a more prominent scroll system could be iplemented, but it would really make the site look bad…

    You could perhaps try a thin vertical line along which you have a small marker, and keep the arrows. Dunno, I can visualise it, but I can’t design it ??

    Thread Starter simdesigns


    Hey ppl,

    Since this project started a lot of functionality has been added to it, and at this point it pretty much functions the way my old WordPress blog did.

    You can check out developments on the blog at:

    The code is still messy, so once I get it cleaned up, I’ll be posting the fla and php code so y’all can run with it.

    It’s a subtle change but adding that little scrollbar instead of just the arrows to scroll your content made your site quite a bit more accessible in my opinion. Like the last time I saw your site you had to use the arrows to scroll and it was like 2 lines a second! Great job with the changes

    Thread Starter simdesigns


    I posted the fla and source files for my blog, you can go through and see if there’s anything useful.

    Looks cool. The section that’s displaying the posts, are those movieclips or a text field? I guess its not a text-field else I’d been able to use my mouse-wheel to scroll!!

    Nice work!! ??

    where did it go?
    everytime I click on any of the links the page displays empty.
    is this only for me or is everyone having this problem?

    I cant see a thing as well ??

    ok. ?? well, if anyone knows about a working flash frontend for wordpress, please let me know as I am very interested.

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