Hi @muhammadaleemkhan
I hope you’re well today!
I’m not quite sure if I correctly understand your goal but let’s try ??
To start with, if it’s a singin/signup form, it shouldn’t be set to “logged-in” only because logged-in user is a user who already signed-up in the past (has account) and signed-in (is logged-in). And the visitor who is not yet logged-in won’t see the form as it’s set that way – to show only to logged-in users.
So the first thing is to make sure that such form is not set to be for logged-in users only. Visitors will then see it and be able to sign-up (if they don’t have account yet) and/or sign-in (if they do have account already).
As for redirect, that’s a bit more “tricky” but doable and depends on whether you want to redirect always to the same page or pages (pre-defined) or if the form is on multiple pages on site and you always want to redirect to the page the form is on (dynamically).
1. for “fixed” redirect URL
In your registration/login forms go to “Behavior” tab and you’ll find “Submission Behavior” section there; you can add “behavior” there and it can be “redirect” option where you can specify the URL to redirect user to.
You can add multiple such “behaviors” with different URLs and set conditions based form fields.
2. for “dynamic” redirect URL
First add additional field to your forms. Field should be of type “hidden” and in its settings select “Embed URL” as “Default value” option.
Second, follow the same setting as in point 1 above but instead of adding “fixed” URL in redirect URL field, click on the “+” icon and select your hidden field from the drop-down list.
This way when a page with a form is loaded, the URL of that page will be automatically added (as hidden field) to form and the form will automatically be set to redirect user back to that page after registrations/login.
Best reagrds,