That is very weird and makes no sense. The signup confirmation email for both the public side and the admin side signups are generated by the email class and the subject and body template are retrieved inside of the send mail function of that class. So, there is nothing in my code that would get a different template for signups from the admin side versus the public side, since they both use the same function. The only thing I changed recently was the code that handles the template tags within the emails. I never touched anything having to do with getting the email templates themselves.
The only possible thing I can think of is that maybe it’s some persistent object cache that is somehow caching an old version of the options for my plugin, but only on the admin side. That’s a very slim possibility, but it’s the only thing I can think of at this moment that would create different emails depending on if you sign up on the admin versus the public side.
The only other thing would be a plugin, or an extension, that is tapping into the filters of the email functions and changing the message body. My Customizer extension allows you to create custom emails and assign them by sheet to the various types of emails (confirmation, reminders, etc.), but that should also affect emails from both sides. Or, maybe you had someone create something custom for you to modify the email template for specific sheets or something special? I make it very easy, with filter and action hooks all over my code, for other developers to customize things.
I would make sure to purge/reset/clear any type of caching that you have on your site and/or server, and double-check that you don’t have any extensions that are modifying emails for my plugins, or modifying the WordPress emails, that could potentially be saving an old version somehow. Double-check your email templates, and do some testing by signing yourself up from the front-end and the back-end, and see if you can reproduce it after clearing all the caches and turning off any other extensions that could possibly be causing issues.