OK. Yes, completely.
Seen what happened there! -My bad. There is been a misunferstanding, and possible a themes problem.
for starters, what you show me cannot be a customer’s site login. We preferred the GUI of the site and not the WordPress user’s login.
This is what I meant: https://ibb.co/4JfKpQ3
and it is probably the theme’s custom registration GUI that doesn’t support the option to mailing list register option.
Anyway, this option is not there, so I had to go with the best alternative plan.
So I restate the problem:
We cannot have optional chckbox for newsleeter registration on our Register GUI.
If we have your “Subscribe to registration form” enabled then the user on-site signup gets 2 verification emails from us,
– one plain text unbranded (from WordPress/ theme) for verifying the registration to the site, as expected after the registration.
– one HTML branded (with MailPoet) to verify registration to the newsletter, that user never opt-in and that was not a good thing.
…so we DON’T use the “Subscribe to registration form” option and leave the user to register himself/herself manually with the relevant pop-up and MailPoet’s form.
This whole request was based on the confusion of all aforementioned verification emails and the lack of a newsletter registration checkbox during the site customer registration.
Propably a theme’s thing, or a combination of bad embodiment of mailPoets plugin.
So, our wishes were that MailPoet would be able to locate and change the site’s registration verification email, which is created by the theme, and
the theme would have incorporated this checkbox about newsletter registration, under the site registration, on the shown pop-up.
Don’t know what is going wrong, but we have incorporated the two different registration systems (system & newsletter) now.
For further questions I probably should ask theme’s forum.
BUT, I belive there must be a way to add an additional checkbox on the registration form of the site (shown image popup), so
if you have any recommendation, or ready made code snipset to add (or ask theme editor about how to embody it) for adding this newsletter registration checkbox on registration form, that would be perfect.
Thank you for your time.