When i use CONCATENATE(IF(fieldname434<0,’-‘, ”), ‘$’, ABS(fieldname434)); equation i got the value but thre are two decimal value is not shown.
i am getting value is -$xxxx .
You should apply the PREC operation to the last operand in the concatenation:
I’m sorry, but the support service does not cover the customization of the plugin. If you need a custom coding service to manage your fields results in a different way, please, contact me through my private website: Custom Coding Service
If you are customizing the equations’ outputs, you must include the thousand separator symbols by yourself as part of the equation’s code. If you need a custom coding service, please, contact me through my private website.
One more time, if you are modifying the format of the output to insert the negative symbol in a different position, the plugin cannot insert the thousand separator symbols by itself. So, you must edit the output to insert the symbols by yourself as part of your equation.
The support does not cover the plugin customization or the implementation of the users’ projects. If you need personalized support or a custom coding service, you should contact me through my private website.