• I have been haivng a weird issue with my sidebar showing up at the bottom of my page instead of off to the side. This just happened one day without me messing with any of the code, so I am a little confused as to why it is happening. My site is https://www.eliboat.com. Anyone know what is going on here? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks

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  • The theme appears to have been altered in some way. What CSS changes have been made?

    Thread Starter donkeypunch101


    I haven’t done anything to the them other than change my header. I’ve had a personal header for a year. I see what you’re saying though, the background is now all gray for some reason, when it should be white. Notice if you scroll down and then click on “previous posts” the page displays properly. Aren’t these two pages using the same code?

    I’d almost bet one of the latest images you added is too wide.

    Thread Starter donkeypunch101


    If you are looking at the page in Internet Explorer, then the images generally show up impropoerly. I think the sidebar issue has been persistent in IE since the beginning, however Firefox and virtually all other browsers have sized everything properly.

    Thread Starter donkeypunch101


    Ok….I found the offending post. I have no idea why it was causing the problem, as the image I was using was actually really small. Very strange. Thanks though

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