• meandco


    Hello, I hope all you good, good folks can help. What I need is something that I cannot find anywhere, or any solution for and unsure if it can be done. I just hope their is a jquery, functions, plugin or simple fix for this.

    What I have…

    I have a blog page with links on the left. Simple! All blog posts are displayed on one page, no synopsis, full post (that’s how the client wants it).

    What I am trying to achieve…

    Bearing in mind all posts are to be displayed in one page, I want to have the left menu anchor to that specific post down the page.

    I want to be automatic, so that when the client adds a blog post, it automatically shows on the left.

    (This is easily achieved by a categories plugin)

    But I need it to anchor to that post in the page, not the post’s seperate page, so all internal anchors.

    So to summarize…

    * Sidebar Widget Menu based on categories that automatically adds a new post added to that category.

    * Each menu item to anchor down to that post not externally.

    Please help, I have an A*Hole client who has a book on WordPress and has been googling SEO and I really need to make the b**tard happy.

    Thank you, I will reply to all.

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