• Alright, so in my blog, libertymatters.me, you can see that sidebar 1 and sidebar 2 are a little bit different. You can see that in sidebar two, everything is in a grey background, but not in sidebar 1.

    Sidebar 2 is controlled by widgets, but not sidebar 1. Here is the code under sidebar.php

    <div class="sidetop">
    <div class="sidebar">
    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/tab.php'); ?>
    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/sidesponsors.php'); ?>
    <div class="search">
    				<form id="searchform" method="get" action="<?php bloginfo('home'); ?>/">
    						<input type="text" name="s" id="s" />
    						<input type="submit" value="" id="searchsubmit" />
    <div class="sidebar1">
    <ul><b><h2 style="color:#FFA500; font-size:21px; text-align:left">Obamixx</h2></b>
    <p><b>May 10, 2009</b></p><br /><br />
    <p>“Americans know that they have a responsibility to live within their means and pay what they owe. But they also have a right to not get ripped off by the sudden rate hikes, unfair penalties, and hidden fees that have become all-too common in our credit card industry.” -O</p> <br /><br />
    <p style="color:#800000">Of course it’s OK that The Team has already provided the very banks that issue these credit cards with 100’s of billions of your dollars.</p> <br />
    <p>“You shouldn’t have to fear that any new credit card is going to come with strings attached, nor should you need a magnifying glass and a reference book to read a credit card application.” -O</p> <br /> <br />
    <p style="color:#800000">Have you read the tax code lately?</p></ul>
    <div class="sidebar2">
    	<?php if ( function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') &amp;&amp; dynamic_sidebar('sidebar 1') ) : else : ?>
    				<?php get_links(-1, '<li>', '</li>', 'between', FALSE, 'name', FALSE, FALSE, -1, FALSE); ?>
    	<?php endif; ?>

    Hopefully you can help…thanks

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  • Hi,

    Upon the code in the sidebar yo have defied the stylesheet which is implemented with no background while in sidebar2 they have implemented default stylesheet from style.css so might have a background code apply in that style..

    you can apply the default style.css settings to sidebar1 in implement background color..


    Shane G.

    Thread Starter lukafer2


    hmmm… i just looked at the stylesheet for class=”sidebar1″ and class=”sidebar2″ and they were the exact same

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