• Resolved neuroplastic



    I changed the width of the sidebar and content in CSS but as you can see it’s all askew. The posts do not occupy all of the space and the content of the sidebar has shifted 50px to the right. If someone could help that would be great. I want the text in the darker bit of the sidebar to be all nice and contained. I think you can imagine what i mean.


    Also, you see those breaks between bits of solid black in the sidebar? they’re not supposed to be there but I don’t know how they appeared or how to make it all clean and smooth.

    Theme Name: Pixel
    Theme URI: https://85ideas.com/public-releases/wordpress-theme-pixel/
    Description: Dark WP theme with 2-3 column layout, dropdown categories menu, multiple widget-ready placement and Feedburner email form integrated, easy to customize. Enjoy!
    Author: Sam @ 85ideas.com
    Author URI: https://85ideas.com/
    Version: 2.0.2
    Tags: black, blue, three-columns, two-columns, threaded-comments, fixed-width, theme-options, right-sidebar, sticky-post
    Released under <a href="https://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php">GPL</a>.
    /* Defaults */
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Viewing 3 replies - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • Thread Starter neuroplastic


    Okay, a couple of other things:

    Firstly, i modified the css a bit, so here it is (this wasn’t to change the sidebar because I don’t know how, just for fonts).

    Theme Name: Pixel
    Theme URI: https://85ideas.com/public-releases/wordpress-theme-pixel/
    Description: Dark WP theme with 2-3 column layout, dropdown categories menu, multiple widget-ready placement and Feedburner email form integrated, easy to customize. Enjoy!
    Author: Sam @ 85ideas.com
    Author URI: https://85ideas.com/
    Version: 2.0.2
    Tags: black, blue, three-columns, two-columns, threaded-comments, fixed-width, theme-options, right-sidebar, sticky-post
    Released under <a href="https://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php">GPL</a>.
    /* Defaults */
    * {
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;
    :focus {
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p {
      margin: 0;
      padding: 10px 0;
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      font-family: Kozuka Gothic Pr6N L, arial narrow, tahoma, adobe fan heat std, arial, sans-serif;
    font-stretch: condensed;
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    It looks fine in Safari and Chrome but for some reason in Firefox some of the headers are being made bold and the whole thing looks very ugly (see the artists page for example). I tried adding ‘font-stretch: condensed’ to the css and that worked okayish when i didn’t have any other fonts in the font family (which i don’t want… I picked those fonts for a reason), but as soon as i put other fonts in the font family it went ugly again.

    Also, you’ll notice if you open the site in Firefox, the text of the top header has been shunted down. I can’t think of any reason for that, hopefully someone can help a brother out.


    Thread Starter neuroplastic


    Regarding the fonts, I’m at a loss. Tried using one from the Google directory and that didn’t bloody work either.

    Theme Name: Pixel
    Theme URI: https://85ideas.com/public-releases/wordpress-theme-pixel/
    Description: Dark WP theme with 2-3 column layout, dropdown categories menu, multiple widget-ready placement and Feedburner email form integrated, easy to customize. Enjoy!
    Author: Sam @ 85ideas.com
    Author URI: https://85ideas.com/
    Version: 2.0.2
    Tags: black, blue, three-columns, two-columns, threaded-comments, fixed-width, theme-options, right-sidebar, sticky-post
    Released under <a href="https://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php">GPL</a>.
    <link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=PT+Sans' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
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    Thread Starter neuroplastic


    Okay, i figured it out. I’m going to make a new post about fonts because it doesn’t fit into this one.

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