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  • jt101



    I have a unique message in my sidebar for each page. For example:

    <div class="intro">
    			<?php if (is_page('home')) { ?> <?php $post_id = 11;
    				$queried_post = get_post($post_id); echo $queried_post->post_content;?> <?php } ?>

    But how do I make one for each of my archives? How can I reference them instead of (in this example) “home”.



    Very tricky solution. It will be better to combine all the methods or at least better one into one plugin. So other users can use them.

    If somebody does it please put a link here for reference.

    You could do something similar to this (just the general idea, you’ll have to check the actual code):

    if($sidebar_name = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'sidebar', true)){

    Then you need to add the following to functions.php:

    // Activate the widget based sidebar
    	foreach(get_custom_sidebars() as $sb){
    function get_custom_sidebars(){
    	global $wpdb;
    	$query = "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = 'Sidebar' GROUP BY meta_value";
    	$sidebars = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);
    	return $sidebars;

    Hopefully this helps.

    May I recommend the plugin Core Sidebars?


    I am trying to do a similar thing, but with post pages under one category. So, only posts under a specific category will get unique sidebar.

    I am running “The Station,” a theme from Woothemes, and it is giving me some code that you mentioned above in the sidebar.php file:

    <?php if ( !function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) || !dynamic_sidebar(‘Links’) ) : ?><?php endif; ?>

    I don’t know how to use this syntax within an “if/else” statement because of the colon toward the end. I want it to basically use the existing sidebars built into the theme; however use an “if” statement to point to a different sidebar for one particular category.

    I have already tried to make this change within the single.php file, but for some reason it doesn’t work. It shows the new sidebar, but doesn’t seem to take much notice of the “if/else” statement, so it shows that sidebar for everything – including posts which do not fall under that category.

    Any thoughts?


    This an answer for JT101 –
    James, I figured this out for a recent project – You just need to take archive.php (singular, not plural), and duplicate, and give it the name category-17.php (or whatever the cat ID is).

    Customize that page as you’d like. Then, in that page, when you call the sidebar, put the call like this:

    <?php get_sidebar(‘cat17’); ?>

    You’ll now have to create a custom sidebar:


    Now, this is the trick that makes the sidebar come up consistently throughout all posts in the category; you’ll need to go into single.php, and put this logic:

        //to be able to use this outside the_Loop
        if ( have_posts() ) { the_post(); rewind_posts(); }  
        if ( in_category('17') ) {
            //gets sidebar-cat17.php
        } elseif ( in_category('75') ) {
            //gets sidebar-cat75.php
    //repeat as necessary
        } else {
            //gets sidebar.php

    Other conditional statements only call the sidebar for the category page, not for any of the post child pages.

    Widget logic plugin. The best new-to-me way to do this, and I’ve seriously tried just about everything. More than what has been mentioned here I know that.

    Adds an input to each sidebar widget that you can do is_page(), is_single() etc. Pretty nifty ??

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