• I visited my website to find 2 things had mysteriously changed
    1. sidebar not on home page (but still on all other pages)
    2. can no longer scroll down on home page to see my various blog posts.

    In looking at your forums I found this
    1. Looks like your using the one column template for your home page. Edit your home page and in the “page attributes” meta box select the default template.

    I went to the admin panel to edit my pages, but saw all pages BUT the home page. Now I’m stumped. Hope you can help me access home page, put side bar back on and allow scrolling down to view varous previous blog post articles. Thanks so much!

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  • What’s the URL for your site? What theme are you using?

    Maybe you deleted the homepage? Look for the homepage in the trash pages.

    If you find it there than restore the page.

    Thread Starter donnadubinsky


    I think it was 2012 but it may have been 2011

    When I go to the site everything seems to be working properly. Did you find a fix for the issue?

    Thread Starter donnadubinsky


    I just checked and though I didn’t change anything, I see that it has what it should on the site when I visit it through my ipad and iphone, but oddly, it’s as I described (wrong) on my windows PC. On the PC, where it used to have all the blog entries and sidebar, it’s just not there?

    Can you provide a screenshot of what you’re seeing when it’s not working properly?

    Thread Starter donnadubinsky


    hmmm, can you help me here. I don’t know how to do that on a pc

    See https://www.take-a-screenshot.org/

    Use a service like https://snag.gy/ to upload the final image and then post the url here.

    Thread Starter donnadubinsky


    Ok, bear with me here…I’ve discovered that the page is wrong on my PC in internet explorer but not on FIREFOX. I tried to clip the page on explorer to show you, but even after installing the latest java I couln’t do it and to do the whole thing in firefox will clip the page that is correct. Uggh! Since it’s a problem that seems limited to explorer, should I do nothing?

    To take a screenshot on a PC, make sure the browser window has focus and press Alt+Print Screen, then paste in Paint and save the image.

    If you’re only seeing the issue in IE, it’s possible that the CSS and/or JavaScript used to render the page don’t work in Internet Explorer. What version of IE are you using?

    Thread Starter donnadubinsky


    I appreciate your attempt to help me, but I am still having trouble Screenshot – I to the home page of the site and don’t know what having focus means?
    -I press alt, but while holding that, when I hit the print icon, it does nothing
    -I press alt and try to right click and nothing
    -I press alt and try to drop down the file menu to hit print and that doesn’t work either

    Version of IE – I went into this program and hit properties I found that it was created Tuesday, ?February ?03, ?2009, ??8:05:40 PM and this is the shortcut
    Shortcut to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
    I’m guessing that’s not the info you need and I don’t know how to retrieve it.

    Finally, today I posted a blog to my website. I got it to look perfect on the wordpress dashboard and on the site when viewed in firefox browser, but the post is a mess in explorer. I had this sent through mailchimp to those that subscribe to my blog updates and I’m concerned that if they access it through explorer it will look horrible. As a professional organizer, that doesn’t reflect well on my business.

    What theme are you using?



    where are trash pages?

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