• Hi,
    I am really happy with this great theme! There’s only two minor problems I have:
    1. I set the sidebar to the “right side”, and on the start page it is where it should be. Yet, when I move to a page or sub-category, it happens to jump back to the left side. I don’t see, where I could change that.
    2. I’d rather use no title in my header and have only a nice picture there. But if I simply erase any text, there remains a grey spot right in the middle of the picture. Is there any way to get rid of that?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

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  • Hey there Franz,

    Hope you’re well today!

    1. Could you please add a link to your site so I can take a look?

    2. This can be done with some custom CSS. Try adding the following CSS code in the style.css file of your child theme or add it in your site using the following plugin:


    #site-header #headerText {
    display: none;

    This should remove teh gray spot right in the midle of the picture.

    Hope this helps ??

    Best regards,


    I was having the same problem that you were with the sidebar not remembering it’s setting on pages other than the home page.

    I had to make a couple of changes to the ‘Page.php’ and ‘single.php’ file to fix it.

    If you go to the ‘Editor’ section under Appearance, you can open those pages. You need to look for a couple of different things.

    First look for this:

    <div class='columns small-12 medium-8 large-9 medium-push-4 large-push-3' id='siteContent'>

    And replace it with:

    <div <?php nn_content_class() ?> id='siteContent'>

    Then look for:

    <div class='columns small-12 medium-4 large-3 medium-pull-8 large-pull-9' id='siteSidebar'>

    And replace it with:

    <div <?php nn_sidebar_class() ?> id='siteSidebar'>

    Do the same things in both ‘page.php’ and ‘single.php’ and that should take care of it.


    Theme Author danielpataki


    Hi Guys,

    I’m so sorry for not answering, I wasn’t signed up for notifications! I’ll push out an update soon to fix this issue!



    I am having the same issue as mentioned above. I would like my sidebar on the right side, but it stays left (even when the option ‘sidebar right’ is ticked)

    I am fairly new to Worpress, I understood that just making changes to the page.php and single.php can cause some issues later on?
    And I haven’t created any childtheme, could I fix the issue with the sidebar, without a childtheme?

    Thank you!

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