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  • To bude tim ze pouzivas sablonu / obchod/ miesto proper woocommerce layoutu obchodu ktory je definovany na /kelti-shop/

    Byt tebou se do toho nepoustim kdyz ti dela problem takovyto issue =).

    Skus se kouknout na mozna ti to ulehci hodne prace.

    Thread Starter ragulin


    Mno, to si nemyslím. Jeliko? na /kelti-shop není definována vubec ?ádná ?ablona, tam je defaultní stránka od wordpressu, a naopak obchod je defaultně vytvo?ená stránka od woocommerce. Problém je v tom, ?e woocomerce ?ablona nefunguje s mojí sporty ?ablonou správně. Pot?ebuji nějak upravit functions.php

    For others:
    The problem still presist. PRoblem is propably in compability of the woocommerce layout and my theme : Sporty. WHat I found on internet, I am supossed to change functions.php somehow…though all solutions which I found didnt work on my website…

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley


    The #container div is not styled to show a sidebar next to it. Make sure the divs match you’re other template files, such as page.php

    Thread Starter ragulin


    Well I decided that remove of the sidebar would be easier way how to goal a good design of the products page. Unfortunately when I choose -full width- in the page options, the sidebar stays where it is. It works at other pages. . .

    How should I change the #container divs to show the sidebar next to it? Or simply remove the sidebar? Thanks guys

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley


    The shop page isn’t a real ‘page’ so the theme options work work. Check the link I sent. It’s a custom post type archive and can use its own template file.

    Thread Starter ragulin


    Right, so the sidebar is working, I used the woocommerce.php way. Unfortunately the hooks didnt work. Will there be some consequences in future for me? I mean, in functions of my theme…

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley


    Should be fine – its just a less customisable way of doing things.

    Thread Starter ragulin


    Right thank you for help, I′m going to change some CSS atributs and make it live for our fans =) though I expect thaht I wont know something pretty soon again ??

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