• sebaseba



    I am addressing this community, because I no longer know what to do, and I hope that I can get help here. I have to say that I am a newcomer in WordPress, but in other areas I got ‘relatively’ more expirience (forums, and writing php)

    Now to the problem:
    I have ‘WordPress version 2.3.3 DE Edition’ (I am from Germany) and have installed me the nice theme ‘ChaoticSoul 1.0 by Bryan Veloso’. Now I heard from good looking widgets. Well, I thought, give it a try!. Thought, done, and I have failed… When clicking on widgets in Admin Panel it just shows ‘There was no defined Sidebar’. I am not one of the ones who imediately run to the next best possible forum to do an order and escape from own work. I have tried everything possible, I take the sidebar.php, but could not find any suspicious there…
    Here the code od it:

    <div id="sidebar">
            <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/searchform.php'); ?>
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                            /* $entry_datetime = abs(strtotime($post->post_date) - (60*120)); echo time_since($entry_datetime); echo ' ago'; */ ?>
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    I would be very pleased, and the week beginning would also make sense if someone could help, or at least give a relevant notice, Please!

    greetings sebaseba

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  • boober


    it looks like your theme is not widget ready. You may want to look for a widget ready version of that theme (do a google search for ‘chaotic soul, widget ready’) or you can learn how to make it widget ready yourself.



    If you wanna widgetize your theme you might want to read this…

    You can also take a look at the default theme and get ideas and code on how to widgetize your theme.

    But choosing another widget-ready theme can save you time.

    Thread Starter sebaseba


    Thanks for your answers! I will give it a try by lokkig the default theme, if this wont work, i will take an other theme or search for a widget ready theme!

    Thanks a lot!

    greetings sebaseba

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