• Hey!

    I am trying to customize this theme.

    I have a few different plugins installed on my site and have used widgets for the sidebar.

    My question is, is there away to customize different aspects of the sidebars?

    for example in the category section of the sidebar i want
    the list style to be + instead of circles and have each cat listed underlined. but if i make that change to the sidebar its changes everything on both sides. is there a easy way to customize different aspects of the sidebars without it changing everything? or do i have to create a bunch of different .CSS class’s and edit each plugin?

    let me know


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  • is there a easy way to customize different aspects of the sidebars without it changing everything? or do i have to create a bunch of different .CSS class’s

    If you want to style an individual element, you must identify it as an individual element with ID or class.

    Wrap the element that you want to be different in a class. So if you have included a categories list in your widgetized sidebar the chances are it will have been given a class ‘widget_categories’. Therefore if you add this class to your css stylesheet and then style it e.g.

    .widget_categories {
    list-style-type: none;
    Thread Starter spikechu


    I have tried everything i created the

    .widget_categories {
    list-style-type: none;


    and tried everything but it seems like the Sidebar css code is over riding everything with in the sidebar no matter what i do.

    Have you a link to your site that I could look at?

    Thread Starter spikechu


    That is very messy code with it being in tables. I always code in divs using CSS to style. Anyway it seems as though you have got a class of .sidebars on your sidebar2. I would remove that class.

    Then to style the bit that is categories (first block on right sidebar) you should be able to create a class named widget_categories.

    Then if you want to style elements of that you can for example:

    .widget_categories ul
    .widget_categories ul li

    and so on.

    Hi Equal Design, im very new to blogging, i do have my page up and used a theme that was already available to me in wordpress. My only question is when i add widgets to the side bar and then go to the main page, it all shows up at the bottom of the page instead of the upper right hand corner.
    The about me, categories, blogroll, etc is on top normally, just not on the front page. How do i fix that?
    If you want to take a look im at, https://www.prettyobsessed.com
    I would appreciate any help i can get..thank you

    Hello, i am new to word press and php code. I recently was trying to help some friends with their site. WWWfishpaa.com.

    they had a sidebar that showed properly on the page and we added a flash file to the main index template. unfortuately when we did that I accidently deleted two small pieces of code and now cannot get the sidebar to show in the right position.
    It will show at the bottom but will not show in the upper right wher it was. I know the Style shett is right because it was working and we did not touch that.
    the code on the main index template is as follows.

    the piece where i lost the code was between this:

    name=”obj25″ width=”396″ height=”193″ quality=”High” wmode=”transparent”></object>

    <?php if (have_posts()) {

    I remember there being an a and some symbols


    <?php get_header(); ?>
    <div class="tandem-banner">
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                        	<?php if (have_posts()) {
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                                    if ($flag){
                                        get_post_attachments(get_the_ID() , 0, 1);
                                        echo '<p><strong>';
                                        echo '</strong></p>';
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