• Suddenly, my sidebar titles/headings have scooted down, though the “text” that’s supposed to be under them is in the right place. I’ve already tried deleting the widget (from both widget menu and customize dashboard), and re-inserting it. No result. Help, please. Thank you.


Viewing 13 replies - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)
  • There is some CSS embedded in the page. I’m not sure if this has been something that was hard-coded by the person who built the site or if it’s a plugin but the problem is coming from there.

    You’re looking for this CSS Call (sorry, it’s a long one)

    DIV DIV DIV SECTION DIV.container-wrap, DIV SECTION ARTICLE.post-679.post.type-post.status-publish.format-standard.has-post-thumbnail.hentry.category-on-the-road-with-traveling-piggy.category-rv-tips-tech.tag-fifth-wheel.tag-open-range-rv.tag-rv-bathroom.tag-rv-shower-controls.tag-rv-shower-stalls.has_thumb DIV.post-right DIV.post-meta.the-icons.pmeta-alt, DIV SECTION ARTICLE.post-1033.post.type-post.status-publish.format-standard.has-post-thumbnail.hentry.category-at-the-house-with-stay-at-home-piggy.tag-grandchildren.tag-road-trip.alt-post.has_thumb DIV.post-right DIV.post-meta.the-icons.pmeta-alt, DIV SECTION ARTICLE.post-786.post.type-post.status-publish.format-standard.has-post-thumbnail.hentry.category-on-the-road-with-traveling-piggy.tag-clearance-tags.tag-jc-penney.has_thumb DIV.post-right DIV.post-meta.the-icons.pmeta-alt, DIV SECTION ARTICLE.post-829.post.type-post.status-publish.format-standard.has-post-thumbnail.hentry.category-at-the-house-with-stay-at-home-piggy.category-social-media-for-a-home-business-at-the-house-with-stay-at-home-piggy.tag-business-logo.tag-company-logo.tag-twitter.tag-twitter-for-business.tag-twitter-image.alt-post.has_thumb DIV.post-right DIV.post-meta.the-icons.pmeta-alt, DIV SECTION ARTICLE.post-730.post.type-post.status-publish.format-standard.has-post-thumbnail.hentry.category-at-the-house-with-stay-at-home-piggy.tag-intuit.tag-microsoft-office.tag-quickbooks.tag-quicken.tag-reinstalling-software.tag-turbo-tax.tag-turbotax.has_thumb DIV.post-right DIV.post-meta.the-icons.pmeta-alt, DIV SECTION ARTICLE.post-661.post.type-post.status-publish.format-standard.has-post-thumbnail.hentry.category-at-the-house-with-stay-at-home-piggy.category-embroidery-at-the-house-with-stay-at-home-piggy.tag-embroidery.tag-embroidery-thread.tag-ort.tag-ort-jar.alt-post.has_thumb DIV.post-right DIV.post-meta.the-icons.pmeta-alt, DIV SECTION ARTICLE.post-408.post.type-post.status-publish.format-standard.has-post-thumbnail.hentry.category-on-the-road-with-traveling-piggy.category-rv-lifestyle.tag-augusta-maine.tag-cat.tag-feral-cat.tag-koa.tag-rv-lifestyle-2.tag-work-campers.has_thumb DIV.post-right DIV.post-meta.the-icons.pmeta-alt, DIV SECTION ARTICLE.post-545.post.type-post.status-publish.format-standard.has-post-thumbnail.hentry.category-at-the-house-with-stay-at-home-piggy.tag-garnier.tag-hair-color.tag-hair-dye.tag-nutrisse.alt-post.has_thumb DIV.post-right DIV.post-meta.the-icons.pmeta-alt, DIV SECTION ARTICLE.post-643.post.type-post.status-publish.format-standard.has-post-thumbnail.hentry.category-at-the-house-with-stay-at-home-piggy.category-kids-art-in-stitches.tag-childs-signature.tag-display.tag-hand-embroidery.tag-kids-signature.tag-kids-art.has_thumb DIV.post-right DIV.post-meta.the-icons.pmeta-alt, DIV DIV DIV.widget-area.the-icons ASIDE.widget.widget_recent_entries H3.widget-title, DIV DIV DIV.widget-area.the-icons ASIDE.widget.widget_categories H3.widget-title {
    top: 125px !important;
    left: 4px !important;
    position: relative !important;
    font-size: 14px !important;

    The error is being caused by the line top: 125px !important and removing that will correct the error. I am not sure what else it will affect though.

    At line 141 of source code, look at that very long CSS that is being included (by some theme or plugin). That is what is causing the issue:

    //lots more above this
    H3.widget-title {
    top: 125px !important; //<====this line specifically, but all can be removed
    left: 4px !important;
    position: relative !important;
    font-size: 14px !important;

    Thread Starter little sister piggy


    I couldn’t find anything like the above in the code editor. I went through it, literally, line by line. The closest I came was this:
    #right-sidebar h3.widget-title {
    padding: 0% 0% 10px;
    font-size: 1.25em;
    margin: 0px 0px 0.5em;
    float: left;
    width: 100%;
    color: #333;
    text-transform: capitalize;
    border-bottom: 5px solid #52C0D4;
    and it has no top margin entry. Also my code lines aren’t numbered, or I don’t know what to look for. Sorry to be a dummy beginner, I sure do appreciate your help … but could you help more?

    While the norm in WordPress is to go through the styles.css file (as you have done) the code in question appears to be in the site header so it could be in header.php file.

    Thread Starter little sister piggy


    I’m sorry to keep bothering you, but I still don’t find it. Can you be very specific with this newbie? Thanks for your help.


    It is either a plugin or it’s hard coded in this file –


    If you can’t see it in there you may need to start disabling plugins and seeing if one of those is causing the issue.

    (it’s no bother, btw)

    Thread Starter little sister piggy


    I have already disabled the “new” plug-ins and that didn’t change anything. When I try to get to home.php, I get a “oops link is broken” error, so I can’t even look in there. I am SO frustrated.(I am assuming your /home/piggys7/public_html/wp-content/themes/mesocolumn/header.php suggestion is in that file?

    Header.php typically will contain the <head> section, then the <body> of the page(s). Since the code is being output just after the opening <body>, it is most likely where to look. Also, as noted, it could be from a theme or plugin.

    If not sure what this code does ot does not do, go ahead and copy the whole header.php content and create a Pastebin to link us to here. We can look at the file and see what is going on there to further help troubleshoot.

    Other steps to take now:

    To test if from a theme, switch to a default unedited theme. IF that fixes the issue, it was the theme. Discuss with theme provider.

    To ensure that it’s not from any plugin, rename the plugins folder to plugins.old – that will force all plugins to be deactivated. Start with that as step one. If that fixes it, it was a plugin. rename the folder back, then activate plugins one at a time until you see the issue return. When you do, then the last plugin activated is the issue.

    Thread Starter little sister piggy


    THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR HELPING ME!!!! Here’s the copy:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
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    <html <?php language_attributes(); ?> class="no-js"> <!--<![endif]-->
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    <meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="true">
    <?php } ?>
    <link rel="profile" href="https://gmpg.org/xfn/11">
    <?php do_action( 'bp_head_before_title' ); ?>
    <title><?php wp_title( '|', true, 'right' ); ?></title>
    <?php do_action( 'bp_head_after_title' ); ?>
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    <!-- favicon.ico location -->
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    if( $get_header_logo  ) { ?>
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    <?php } ?>
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    <div<?php if( get_header_image() && $header_overlay == 'Yes' ): ?> class="header-overlay-on"<?php endif; ?> id="topbanner">
    <?php echo stripcslashes( do_shortcode($header_banner) ); ?>
    </div><!-- TOPBANNER END -->
    <?php } ?>
    <!-- end header-inner -->
    <!-- HEADER END -->
    <?php do_action( 'bp_after_header' ); ?>
    <?php do_action( 'bp_before_container_wrap' ); ?>
    <div class="container-wrap">
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    <nav class="main-nav iegradient" id="main-navigation" role="navigation">
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    wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'primary', 'container' => false, 'menu_class' => 'sf-menu', 'fallback_cb' => '','walker' => new Custom_Description_Walker ));
    echo '<ul class="sf-menu">';
    echo wp_list_categories('orderby=name&show_count=0&title_li=');
    echo '</ul>';
    <?php do_action( 'bp_inside_main_nav' ); ?>
    <!-- NAVIGATION END -->
    <?php do_action( 'bp_after_main_nav' ); ?>
    <?php if( get_theme_option('allow_subcat') == 'Enable' ):
    if ( is_category() ) {
    $this_category = get_category($cat);
    $in_category = get_category( get_query_var( 'cat' ) );
    $cat_id = $in_category->cat_ID;
    $this_category = wp_list_categories('show_option_none=&orderby=id&depth=5&show_count=0&title_li=&use_desc_for_title=1&child_of='.$this_category->cat_ID."&echo=0");
    if($this_category) {
    echo '<ul class="subcat sub_tn_cat_color_'. $cat_id . '">'. $this_category . '</ul>';
    endif; ?>
    <?php do_action( 'bp_before_custom_header' ); ?>
    $header_overlay = get_theme_mod('custom_header_overlay');
    if( get_header_image() && $header_overlay == 'No' ): ?>
    <div id="custom-img-header"><img src="<?php echo header_image(); ?>" alt="" /></div>
    <?php endif; ?>
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    <?php do_action( 'bp_before_breadcrumbs' ); ?>
    <?php $breadcrumb_on = get_theme_option('breadcrumbs_on'); if($breadcrumb_on == 'Enable'):
    if( (function_exists('is_in_woocommerce_page') && is_in_woocommerce_page()) || (function_exists('is_in_jigoshop_page') && is_in_jigoshop_page())  ):
    if(get_post_type() == 'post' || get_post_type() == 'page' ):
    endif; ?>
    <?php do_action( 'bp_after_breadcrumbs' ); ?>

    <div class="product-with-desc secbody"<?php if( function_exists('is_in_woocommerce_page') && is_in_woocommerce_page() ) { ?><?php echo ' id="woo-wrapper"'; ?><?php } ?>>

    Please consult woo.

    Thread Starter little sister piggy


    ????? but I don’t have woo. Is that the other half of the problem? If so, how do I tell it no to do woo. (ha; that’s funny)

    I am sorry, but it is clear that many things are not understood. Please seek advice here:


    In this case woo = wooCommerce, an ecommerce plugin for WordPress.

    How many plugins are you running?
    It may be worth while deactivating all of them to see if the issue is there. If that corrects the problem then start reactivating the plugins in the order of importance and check as you go.

    You should only run the plugins you need anyway. Having too many can slow your site down and increases the chance of a conflict.

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