• I migrated my blog from blogger to wordpress at blog.ale.com.pk

    I am using Arthemia Magazine WordPress theme.

    The problem is:

    The sidebar on the main page is displayed below the posts while it is displayed correctly on the side (on right) where it should be on the single post pages, I mean the page of a post.


    Main page displays side bar wrongly below the posts instead of showing it on the right.

    WHen I open the page of any post, it is showed correctly.

    Can someone please help me !

    [sig moderated]

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  • The google ad is wider than your sidebar.
    You can NOT place an element that is wider in any container. Remove it, make it smaller…

    my sidebar is doing the same thing…but my side bar is all text. how can i make it smaller or scale it so that it works on the main page again?

    Search for “sidebar down” – you will find one zillion causes for it and all going back to the same simple rule of thumb: something either in the content or in the sidebar is wider than its parent element.

    The “something” can be an image, a long URL, a long code line… anything that is not used there properly.

    i have no images over 580px, which is what that sidebar is set to. none of the urls are particularly long. all of the text is short. how do i identify a “a long code line”? and why is this only starting to happen now? the only thing i’ve changed is to upgrade to 2.6. i’m greatful that you’ve helped me to at least identify the issue. could you give me a clue in solving it?

    In your specific case my advice would be: don’t copy all kind of junk code into your posts!
    You have an unclosed <div> tag somewhere and that throws all your design off…

    damn riot girl bullshit…*sigh. thank you. i’ll be sure to reiterate this to our other authors.

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